v. 口吃; 结结巴巴地说; 突突地吃力行驶(或艰难启动、艰难运转) stutter的过去分词和过去式
N-COUNT 口吃;结巴 If someone has a stutter, they find it difficult to say the first sound of a word, and so they often hesitate or repeat it two or three times.
He spoke with a pronounced stutter. 他说话明显结巴。
VERB 口吃;说话结结巴巴 If someone stutters, they have difficulty speaking because they find it hard to say the first sound of a word.
I was trembling so hard, I thought I would stutter when I spoke. 我抖得厉害,感觉说话舌头会打结。
VERB 缓慢地颠簸前进;曲折缓慢地进行 If something stutters along, it progresses slowly and unevenly.
The old truck stuttered along the winding road... 这辆旧卡车在蜿蜒的公路上缓慢地颠簸前行。
'B-b-b-b-but' I stuttered. — 'Never mind the buts,' she ranted “但——但——但是”,我结结巴巴地说道。——“别跟我讲那些‘但是’了。”她咆哮道。
The old truck stuttered along the winding road 这辆旧卡车在蜿蜒的公路上缓慢地颠簸前行。
We have already noted once for all the fact that Toussaint stuttered. 我们已把杜桑口吃的情形写过了,提过一次,便不必再提。
I press the starter and the old engine stuttered into life. 我按了起动装置,那具老引擎断断续续地发动起来。
Richard stuttered a reply and sat down, his face red. 理查德结结巴巴地说了一个答案后坐了下来,满脸通红。
You know why the footpath killer stuttered? 你知道那'小径杀手'为什么会结巴了?
Suddenly the engine stuttered and then it stopped completely. 发动机突然间突突发响,后来索性罢工了。
Charles almost stuttered with excitement, holding her warm little hands in his and looking into the dancing green eyes. 查理几乎激动得说不出话来,紧紧握住她两只温暖的小手,眼睛盯住她眉飞色舞的绿眼睛。
Dissertations that sound choppy or stuttered are for the most part ineffectual and will most likely fail to impress. 论文的声音断断续续或结结巴巴的大部分是无效的,并很可能将无法留下深刻的印象。
He stuttered over the flowery congratulations he offered and his formal hope that the first grandchild would be masculine. 他结结巴巴地说出了他那些辞藻华美的祝福,并且极为正式地祝福说希望教父的第一个外孙是个男孩子。
The Doha negotiations, which have stuttered repeatedly since their launch in 2001, appeared to gain some momentum this year when both India and the US signalled more enthusiasm for the talks. 多哈谈判自2001年启动以来便一直断断续续,而今年随着印度和美国对该项谈判展现出更多热情,谈判似乎获得一些前进动力。
Maria turned bright red and stuttered a few words of apology. 玛丽亚涨得满脸通红,结结巴巴地吐出几个道歉的词。
A strong opening rally on Wall Street stuttered, derailing a tentative recovery by European stocks and helping treasury bonds pare early losses. 华尔街开盘强劲走高后一路震荡,破环了欧洲股市的初步回升,并帮助美国国债收复了之前损失。
When the bubble burst and the Berlin Wall fell, the LDP stuttered. 当泡沫破裂、柏林墙倒塌时,自民党便步履维艰了。