Companies have been stymied by the length of time it takes to reach an agreement 由于耗时过长,各公司一直未能达成协议。
Relief efforts have been stymied in recent weeks by armed gunmen. 最近几周的救援工作一直受到武装分子的阻挠。
The difficulties of creating common platforms, tools and supply relationships have stymied successive GM managements since the1980s. 从上世纪80年代起,打造通用平台、工具和供应链方面的不足始终是困扰通用汽车管理层的一大心病。
For now, though, Murdoch is stymied. 然而现在,默多克却陷入了两难境地。
Building codes designed to preserve the architectural character and historic facades of St Petersburg have also stymied the development of inventive architecture. 按照保存圣彼得堡建筑风格和历史外表前提而设计的建筑法规同时也妨碍了发明性建筑。
Croatia's hopes of joining the EU have been stymied by a border dispute with neighboring Slovenia. 由于与邻国斯洛文尼亚的领土纠纷,克罗地亚加入欧盟的进程受到阻碍。
But bureaucratic and political rivalries between the various municipal and county governments involved have so far stymied attempts to do it. 但是该项目目前涉及的官僚主义,以及各类市政府与下级政府之间的党派竞争,已经完全妨碍了该工作的开展。
Though I'm not a shy person, I felt stymied. 我并不是一个内向的人,但是却在人际交往中感觉到了障碍。
The Atla-Ra were able to defer the usage initially, but in time were stymied. 阿特拉-Ra起初能够推迟其使用,但很快就被(雅利安人)阻拦了。
Recoveries are likely to begin outside the financial sector, but they will be stymied without credit. 经济复苏可能始于金融部门之外,但离开了信贷复苏就会陷入困境。
The desire to forget one's troubles may be stymied by having less money to do it. 忘记烦恼的渴望可能因经济拮据而受到抑制。
I was completely stymied by her refusal to help. 由于她拒不相助,我完全陷入了困境。
Your archeologists are still stymied by our pyramids. 你们的建筑师还没搞懂我们的金字塔。
Ruthless Corporate Raider will be stymied, go home, curl up on the floor of his shower and weep. 企业狙击手无情先生就会受到阻碍,回家,蜷缩在地上,他的淋浴间和哭泣。
A merger between EMI and Warner Music has been stymied by regulators before, and Citigroup may not have the patience for endless wrangling. EMI和华纳的音乐巨头结合之前收到了监管机构的阻挠,并且花旗集团对没完没了的争执也失去了耐心。
In our search for evidence, we were stymied by the absence of any recent documents. 缺乏近期的文件资料为我们寻求证据造成了障碍。
Overbearing bureaucrats and excessive regulation has stymied entrepreneurship and competition, hurting the efficiency of the domestic corporate sector. 专断的官僚主义和过分的管制阻碍了企业创新和竞争,降低了公司的效率。
Because of the holiday period, their attempts to get a quick reply were stymied. 因为假期,他们试图获得尽早答复的努力受挫了。
Government suppression of information has stymied indigenous technological breakthroughs. 政府对信息的压制妨碍了本土科技创新。
However, they still view each other with an unease that has stymied efforts to build co-operation and trade in areas such as energy, which has been a cornerstone of the Beijing-Moscow strategic partnership, announced in 1996. 不过,俄中互相之间仍存在一种不安,这妨碍了两国在能源等领域进行合作和贸易的努力,而能源是北京和莫斯科方面1996年宣布建立的战略伙伴关系的基石。
The inventor and the Westinghouse engineers were, however, stymied by technical difficulties. 不过,他及西屋的工程师受困于技术上的困难度。
Not only are talks between the White House and congressional leaders stymied, but discordant factions have emerged within the two main political parties, further complicating a debt agreement. 不仅是白宫与国会领袖之间的会谈受阻,就连两党内部也出现了不和谐现象,致使有关舒解债务问题的协商,更形复杂。
Slowly through small loans for solar powered devices, microfinance is bringing light to these rural regions where a lack of electricity has stymied economic development, literacy rates and health. 缓慢地通过小额贷款购买太阳能装置,小额信贷正给那些因缺乏电而阻碍了经济、文化教育和医疗发展的农村地区带来了光明。
Mary Schapiro, the SEC chairman, has tried her best but she was stymied last week. sec主席玛丽夏皮罗(maryschapiro)已尽了最大的努力,但她在上周完全被束缚住了手脚。
Fulfilling that desire has, however, stymied experts for decades. 然而愿望达成,却困扰了专家十年之久。
But now they have an opportunity to fix the problem that has stymied successful co-operation on climate change. 但现在,他们有一个机会,去解决阻碍气候变化合作取得成功的问题。
Potential investors exploring more promising areas, such as low-carbon energy and infrastructure, are stymied because of the lack of a clear policy framework. 由于缺少清晰的政策架构,那些探索更具前景领域(如低碳能源和基础设施)的潜在投资者,遇到了重重障碍。
How African governments handle corruption and other governance matters will determine how they manage the major infrastructure challenges that have crippled much of the region and stymied development. 非洲各国政府如何处理腐败和其它治理问题,将决定它们如何应对已影响到非洲大部分地区且阻碍发展的巨大基础设施挑战。
Mr Lai claims Beijing-backed rivals for years stymied his attempt to list on the stock market. 黎智英声称亲北京对手多年来设法阻碍他的上市计划。
But, she says, economic integration across South Asia has been "stymied" by political enmity. 但她表示,南亚地区的经济一体化已因各方的政治敌意而陷入“困境”。