The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping. 该公司用泡沫塑料包住牌匾,以防止其在运输过程中受损。
These were made from the kind of white Styrofoam plastic boxes which are widely used to transport fresh seafood due to their insulating properties and light weight. 帽子是用运送海鲜的白色聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料箱做成的,这种材料的绝缘性好,质地又轻。
An example of the packaging Campbell showed off seemed to have roughly the same weight and durability as standard styrofoam or cardboard packaging. 坎贝尔展示的这种包装样品看上去和标准的泡沫塑料或硬纸板包装拥有差不多相同的重量和耐用性。
Chemical products from plastic, Styrofoam and even paper food containers are known to leech into food when they are microwaved in these containers. 微波的时候,盛装食物的塑料袋,发泡胶甚至是纸制容器中的化学物质也已经证实会逸散至食物当中,对健康产生危害;
Stick two small white or silver feathers into the Styrofoam ball to serve as the wings of the snitch. 你的金色飞贼别忘了加上两个银色的翅膀。
They exposed participants to the sound of nails on a chalkboard as well as similar sounds, such as a fork scraping a plate and Styrofoam squeak, according to ScienceNow. ScienceNow刊文显示,科学家们揭示了测试参加者无法忍受类似于指甲刮黑板、叉子刮盘子和塑料摩擦的声音的原因。
Their nests – containing up to100 eggs – are being carefully packed with sand into Styrofoam boxes and shipped to protected beaches on the Atlantic coast. 每座龟巢中有上百枚龟蛋,救援人员将龟巢用沙子覆盖,小心存放在聚苯乙烯泡沫盒里,然后海运至受保护的大西洋海滩。
Styrofoam, metal, glass, they are all collected, with each yard specializing in a specific material. 泡沫聚苯乙烯、金属、玻璃都会被收集,每个回收场都有专门处理的特定材料。
So what I will do is I will throw up a tennis ball and then I will throw up a Styrofoam ball, and the Styrofoam ball has very closely the same radius as the tennis ball. 我将要把,一个网球,然后是,一个塑料球扔起来,塑料球和,网球的直径差不多。
"Remove the plastic wrapping, adhesive tape and Styrofoam from the balance." 去除塑料薄膜、胶带和泡沫材料
The effects of the grain size and grain gradation of styrofoam particles as well as the expendable polystyrene ( EPS) forming tools on the surface roughness of EPS patterns were studied in the paper. 研究了泡沫聚苯乙烯粒径、泡沫颗粒的粒度级配、成型发泡模具对EPS模表面粗糙度的影响。
Inside were three boxes, packed securely in Styrofoam peanuts. 里面有三个盒子,安全地包在泡沫塑料之中。
Loosen, compress and remove styrofoam element. 松开、压缩并拆下泡沫聚乙烯元件。
Well pretty soon, Jim came back and he had two bags, two plastic bags with, you know, Styrofoam containers and I could smell it was fried chicken. 没有暂,尔文回来了,拿著两个胶袋,里里诱龈泡胶盒,我嗅到的是炸鸡的气味。
The styrofoam element is glued in. 泡沫聚苯乙烯元件是粘合的。
Three-wheeled bicycles piled impossibly high with plastic, cardboard and Styrofoam ply the streets. 堆积着多得令人难以置信的塑料、纸板和泡沫塑料的三轮车,定点穿梭在街道巷尾。
Retards the flame when coated on combustible materials such as Styrofoam. 涂抹在易燃材料表面例如聚苯乙烯材料可阻燃。
Loosen styrofoam elements and remove line. 松开泡沫聚苯乙烯元件并拆下。
The anesthesiologist, holding a Styrofoam cup of coffee, flirted with the nurses while I lay there. 咖啡,在我躺下的时候和护士们调着情。
It's so lightweight, styrofoam is100 times heavier. 它是这么轻,聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料比它重100倍。
Before we left, however, one of the waitresses intercepted us and handed me a small Styrofoam container. 在我们出门之前,一个女招待拦住我们并递给我一个小塑料容器。
Inapplicable to the surface of liquid paint and styrofoam. 水性油漆、保丽龙表面材质不适用。
The researchers say the material is100 times lighter than Styrofoam and has "extraordinarily high energy absorption" properties. 研究人员说这种材料比聚苯乙烯泡沫塑胶还要轻100倍,并且具有“相当高的吸收能量”的特性。
Plywood bent to the shape of a styrofoam form for vacuum forming. 用于真空成型法而弯曲成泡沫形状的胶合板。
This is the case with Fabio Viale as his works do not seem to be created from bulky marble but rather seem like they have been created by lightweight styrofoam. 这是与法比奥Viale案件作为他的作品似乎没有从笨重的大理石创建而是看起来,他们已经轻质发泡胶制造。
These can be Styrofoam shapes, cardboard or other tubes, boxes, cans, jars, clay pots, screen wire, etc. 这些能成为聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料形状,纸板或是其他管子,盒子,罐头,罐,泥罐,网线,等等。
Press styrofoam element into the opening until it is felt to engage. 将聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料元件压入开口直至感觉已接合。
I am the Secretary of the package materials currently in use is the use of most paper and styrofoam. 我司目前使用的包材大多数是使用纸类和保丽龙。