A filter ( e.g., SQL statement sub-clause) is used to filter out data records not belonging to the current tenant. 使用筛选器(例如SQL子句)筛选掉不属于当前租户的数据记录。
The amount of the advance payment, then this Sub-Clause shall not apply; 预付款总额,则本款应不适用;
Unless otherwise specified, a reference to another clause or Sub-Clause shall be deemed to be within the same part of the contract. 除另有规定外,其他条款或子条款在本文件中的引用应视作其位于合同的相同部分。
However, this Sub-Clause shall not limit the employer's liability under his indemnification obligations, or the employer's liability in any case of fraud, deliberate default or reckless misconduct by the employer. 但是,本款不应限定业主在其赔偿义务下的责任,或者因其欺诈、故意违约或管理不善而造成的业主责任。
The Employer shall not terminate the Contract under this Sub-Clause in order to execute the Works himself or to arrange for the Works to be executed by another contractor. 雇主不应为了要自己实施或安排另外的承包商实施工程,而根据本款终止合同。
The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer to do so, submit to the Engineer all accounts under this Sub-Clause, with a copy thereof to the Employer. 如果工程师要求这样做的话,承包人应根据本款规定向工程师递交所有详细报告,并复印一份给业主。
The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer so to do, copy to the Employer all accounts sent to the Engineer pursuant to this Sub-Clause. 如工程师要求这样做的话,承包商应将所有根据本款送交工程师的详细报告复印送交雇主。
If a daywork schedule is not included in the Contract, this Sub-Clause shall not apply. 如果合同中未包括计日工作计划表,则本款不适用。
Here, the customer shall not pay the contractor for the additional scope of services caused by the circumstances stated in the sub-clause. 此时,业主无需承包商因本款中规定的情形而引起的额外服务范围。
Unless otherwise approved, the base and sub-base material shall be obtained from approved sources and constructed according to the conditions laid out in this sub-Clause. 如无特殊审批,基层与底基所用物料应通过审批的渠道获取,并按照本分条所列情况施工。
Unless and until the Employer receives this guarantee, or if the total advance payment is not stated in the Appendix to Tender, this Sub-Clause shall not apply. 如果雇主没有收到该保函,或者投标函附录中没有规定预付款总额,则本款不再适用。
These records shall be kept on the Site and shall be used exclusively for the purposes of this Sub-Clause. 上述竣工记录应保存在现场,并仅限用于本款的目的。
Copyright assigned to the customer under this Sub-Clause shall be exclusive. 根据本款规定转移给业主的版权应为专有权。
If a Contractor's Document so fails to comply, it shall be rectified, resubmitted and reviewed in accordance with this Sub-Clause, at the Contractor's cost. 如果承包商文件确实如此不符合,该文件应由承包商承担费用,按照本款修正,重新上报,并审核。
The Contractor shall then complete this work before issuing a further notice under this Sub-Clause. 随后承包商应在根据本款再一次发出申请通知前,完成此类工作。
However, the total amount due under this Sub-Clause shall not exceed the maximum amount of delay damages ( if any) stated in the Particular Conditions. 但按本款计算的赔偿总额,不得超过专用条件中规定的误期损害赔偿费的最高限额(如果有)。
The parties additionally may agree in writing about other form of procedure for distribution of expenses specified in this sub-clause. 双方还可书面同意其他形式的争端解决程序,费用如本款规定。
The Contractor shall permit the Engineer to inspect all records kept pursuant to this Sub-Clause and shall supply him with copies thereof as and when the Engineer so instructs. 承包商应允许工程师审查所有根据本款保存的记录,并在工程师发出指示时,向工程师提供记录的副本。
Effect shall be given to the measurement and valuation of variations under sub-clause ( C) of this clause in Interim Certificates and by adjustment, if required, of the Contract Sum Project Schedule. 应在中期付款证书中通过(如需要时)对合同总价项目进度的调整使根据本款(C)条规定进行的变更的测量与估价生效。
The Sub-clause 20 of "1994 GATT" is that WTO is concerned with the stipulation of environmental problem only before establishment, which can become the exception of the suitable rule of free trade, and need not comply with rule and the other basic principles of WTO. 《1994GATT》第20条是WTO建立之前唯一涉及环境问题的规定,可以成为适用自由贸易规则的例外,而不必遵守世贸组织的其他基本原则和规则。