Early initiatives were to break monolithic applications into callable sub-routines but the advance of remote object invocation and messaging processing changed that. 早期的活动是为了将独立应用程序拆分为可调用的子例程,但远程对象调用和消息传递处理的发展改变了这一点。
Hereinafter a procedure for an automatic writing of these sub-routines by computer was presented. 本文讨论并给出了可自动书写这些子程序的实用程序的开发过程。
This paper established four basic linkage functions based on I grade linkage group, and proposed eleven sub-routines which can be attributed to calling these sub-routines. 在Ⅱ级杆组的基础上,建立了四个基本连杆函数,并给出了十一个子程序,平面连杆机构的运动分析就归结为调用这些子程序。
It includes the characteristic, structure, function sub-routines, management and communication. 主要包括该操作系统的特点,结构,功能子程序及调度,通讯。