Several other sub-species of gull are found in the region. 在该地区还发现了海鸥的其他亚种。
There are dozens of different sub-species, hybrids, etc., etc. 在这三种金本位制下,还有数十种不同的衍生制度,有些国家甚至采用了混合制度。
Lonesome George, believed to be the last of the Pinta giant tortoises, a sub-species of Galapagos tortoise, died in the Galapagos Islands, the Daily Mail reported. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,孤独的乔治在加拉帕戈斯群岛辞世。乔治是它所属加拉帕戈斯象龟的亚种&平塔巨龟的最后一只。
With no offspring and no other known members of his sub-species, he became famous as the world's rarest creature. 乔治没有生下任何后代,所属种群中也没有任何同类,它因如此稀有而世界闻名。
What happened was the National Museum of Wales set about finding new species, or sub-species of trees. 碰巧的是威尔士国家博物馆著手收藏新物种树种或亚物树种。
Differences with regard to the incidence of natural inversion polymorphism are likely to exist between species as well as between sub-species. 自然倒位多型性的发生率在种间以及亚种间可能不同。
In the evolutionary process, animals eat one another, but that is not the driving force behind evolutionary mutation and the emergence of new species and sub-species. 在进化过程中,动物之间互相吞食,但这并不是进化变异和出现新物种及子物种的推动力量。
Pine is not known in China, old pine, pine nuts is a sub-species of pine, is the essence of pine. 松树在中国称之为不老松,松子是松树的子种,也是松树的精华。
The deadly spore bats are a more highly evolved sub-species of the spore walkers. 致命的孢子蝙蝠是比孢子行者更高度进化的副品种。
More photos of Common Pheasant from the trip of Qinling Mountains at the end of March ( this sub-species has no white neck ring). 更多三月底秦岭行的环颈雉照片(此亚种没有白颈环)。
By the time George was discovered breeding programmes were known to be increasing the numbers of other tortoise sub-species, but it was acknowledged that his case was different. 到乔治被发现的时候为止,人们知道繁殖计划是为了增加其他海龟亚种的数量,但是人们也认识到乔治的情况有所不同。
Other parasite species and sub-species of the Trypanosoma genus are pathogenic to animals and cause animal trypanosomiasis in wild and domestic animal species. 锥虫属其它种和亚种的寄生虫对动物具有致病性并可在野生和家养动物种类中引起动物锥虫病。
There are 7 species and 11 subspecies in the genus Hippophae of which 7 species and 7 sub-species, including recently new discovered 2 species and 2 subspecies, are distributed in China. 沙棘属植物有7种11亚种,中国产7种7亚种,其中2种2亚种是近年发现的新分类群。
The problem of personal identity is a sub-species of the problem of change in Western metaphysics. 个人同一性问题是西方形而上学中的变化问题下面的一个子问题。
Additionally, this dissertation also discusses the different methods of problem-decomposition, collaboration methods of each sub-species, and evaluation methods of individual fitness. 此外,探讨了不同的问题分解方式、各子种群的协作方式和个体适应度的计算方法。
We speculated that there are some new species, sub-species or variation in the genus Agrocybe, and further researches needed to test this conclusion. 在该属内也许还存在着一些变种和亚种,有待进一步更加深入的研究。