The jojoba essence can get rid of the fine wrinkles, rebuild the natural subacid Waterlipid membrane and prevent the external excitant and harm. 荷荷芭精华,有效平扶幼纹、细纹,重构肌肤天然微酸水脂膜,抵防外境刺激伤害。
SeO 2 can dissolve in water to form subacid Se, which is a bi-strong acid. SeO2溶于水生成亚硒酸,属中等二元强酸。
The pKa value of genistein was 7.9942. CONCLUSIONS Genistein is a kind of subacid and fatsoluble drug. pKa值7.9942。结论:染料木黄酮为弱酸性脂溶性药物。