However, studies have found that it may lower the risk of catching a cold among people whose bodies are under high physical stress& think marathon runners or soldiers on subarctic exercises. 然而研究发现,对于身体承受高强度体力消耗的人如马拉松运动员和在亚北极地区训练的士兵来说,服用维生素C可能降低得感冒的风险。
A featherless biped; the unfeathered legs of an Orpington. large arctic and subarctic grouse with feathered feet and usually white winter plumage. 北极和亚北极地区的大型松鸡,脚上有羽毛,冬季羽毛通常为白色。
Subarctic perennial poppy of both hemispheres having fragrant white or yellow to orange or peach flowers. 近极圈地区的多年生罂粟,开白或黄到橙色或桃红色且带香味的花。
Subarctic conditions, temperatures Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment Programme 亚北极的环境、温度.红海和亚丁湾环境方案
Summer travel in the boggy lands, or muskeg country, of the Subarctic's taiga was also slow and arduous. 夏天,在亚极地针叶林地带的沼泽遍布的原野或乡村,出行亦将变得缓慢而艰难。
Eellike fishes found in subarctic coastal waters. 亚北极水域中似鳗的鱼。
Rock-inhabiting fern of Arctic and subarctic Europe to eastern Asia. 分布于从北极和欧洲近北极地区到亚洲东部一带的岩蕨。
Boreal forests occupy the subarctic zone and are generally evergreen and coniferous. 北部森林占据亚北极区地带而通常是常绿和松树类。
A black mucky soil with a frozen subsoil that is characteristic of arctic and subarctic regions. 黑色的腐殖土,有结冻的底土,是北极区和亚北极区的特征。
Euphausia Pacifica which belongs to Arthropoda Crustacea, is the subarctic dominant species, distributing broadly in Far East sea area, Yellow Sea and Taiwan Strait hereabout. 太平洋磷虾(Euphausiapacifica)隶属于节肢动物门甲壳纲,为北太平洋亚北极区的优势种,广泛分布于远东海域、黄海及台湾海峡附近。
The relationships between the distributions of forest limit and subarctic coniferous trees and WI were examined in detail. 利用一些树种的分布资料,进一步论证了森林上限及亚寒带针叶林的分布与WI间的关系。