They may roam in your subconsciousness, because they are a part of you. 它们可能会游荡在你的潜意识里,因为它们是你的一部分。
Only now and again, violent little shudders would come over her, out of her subconsciousness The product has even more potential in export markets. 只是在偶然的时刻,在她的潜意识中会产生出少量激动的震动。这种产品在出口市场上甚至会有更大的销售潜力。
Science, Subconsciousness and Diversity of Culture& Probe into Nonrational Problems 科学、潜意识与文化多样性&非理性问题探讨
In Kawabata Yasunari's works, the stream of consciousness is realized through audio sense, visual sense, dream and subconsciousness. 川端笔下的意识流的实现形式往往是听觉、视觉、梦境和潜意识。
Self-centeredness, integrated chaos, subconsciousness, poetic logic and playing are the bases of children's grow-up journey and cultural world. 儿童精神的自我中心化、整体混沌性、潜意识化、诗性的逻辑和游戏性,构筑起童年特有的成长旅程和文化世界。
For this interesting phenomenon, the researchers speculated that, in the subconsciousness exist "biological cronies" relationship that often and individual family environment are closely related. 对于这种有趣的现象,研究人员推测,在人的潜意识里存在着“生物裙带”的关系,这种关系常与个体的家庭环境密切相关。
What you have learnt still remains with you at a subconsciousness level, even although you cannot recall it in detail. 但是那些你所学的依旧保留在潜意识的水平中,所以你们还不能直接了解它的细节。
By this we can plant cleaving elements into their subconsciousness. 这样就在他们的潜意识中种下了分裂的因子。
Briefly on the Theory of "Subconsciousness" in Freud's Psychoanalysis 略论弗洛伊德精神分析中的无意识理论
Consciousness and subconsciousness have three identical ways of reflecting the life, that is, subjective, conceptual and perceptual. 意识与潜意识有三种相同的反映现实生活的方式:主观虔诚方式、自由思考方式和感性观照方式。
Exploration of Pragmatic Awareness: Its Essence, Content and Function from the Perspective of Materialist Dialectics; Think Highly of the Role and Influence of the Social Subconsciousness on the Decision-Making 从哲学角度看语用意识的实质和作用重视社会潜意识对决策的作用和影响
Being affected by freud's psychological analysis, Eileen chang's novels focuse on the psychological analysis of the figures, especially the psychological analysis of the subconsciousness. 摘要受弗洛伊德精神分析学的影响,张爱玲的小说侧重于对人物的心理分析,尤其是潜意识心理分析。
Return to Subject of Fine Arts Education& A Study on the Subconsciousness in Fine Arts Education 回归主体的美术教育&美术教育之潜意识研究
Implication education, closely related to the individual subconsciousness, attaches importance on the initial effect, which is important in the personality education. 而暗示教育(分为自暗示与他暗示)则由于与个体的潜意识的紧密相连,注重原动力效应,在人格教育中显得至关重要。
What's worse, the animalistic instinct dormant deep in our subconsciousness will come to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble ideal, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. 更糟的是,蛰伏在我们潜意识深处的兽性本能就会复活,削弱我们追求高贵理想的意志,弱化我们扫除成功障碍的决心,而且扼杀我们净化人格的欲望。
Much lays at a subconsciousness level that surfaces from time to time, as you never lose your memories of previous experiences. 许多位于一个潜意识水平的(经验)不时地浮出表面,因为你们永远不失去你们以前的经历的记忆。
The article applies "subconsciousness" theory to discuss Emilys dual personality in the novel and then explores the roles and mutual influences of nature and nurture for cultivating. 本文运用心理学潜意识理论剖析小说中女儿艾米莉的双重性格,揭示她成长过程中天性与环境之间的关系及相互作用。
Powerful energy: Brain Tracy says that subconsciousness is over 30,000 times powerful than consciousness. 能量巨大:博恩.崔西说:潜意识是显意识力量的3万倍以上。
Every cell, body tissue, bone and tendon of your whole body is under the control of your subconsciousness. 你全身的每个细胞和身体组织,每根骨骼和肌腱,每个器官和肌肉都是受你的潜意识的控制。
Think Highly of the Role and Influence of the Social Subconsciousness on the Decision-Making 重视社会潜意识对决策的作用和影响
Influenced by Western Surrealistic poetics, Taiwan's Epoch Poetry Club probe into the world of subconsciousness and dreams. 受西方超现实主义诗学影响,台湾创世纪诗社对潜意识与梦的世界进行了深度的探索。
However, no matter how grovel a woman become the victim of the society environment, such as prostitution, male can also become the victim of the subconsciousness impulsion by alcoholism and other vices. 然而,不管一个女人将会怎样卑躬屈膝地沦为社会环境的牺牲品,比如卖淫,男人也可能同样地透过酒精中毒和其它恶行而沦为潜意识冲动的牺牲品。
The development of human culture has proved the existence of subconsciousness. 人类文化的发展证明了潜意识的存在,对潜意识学说进行必要的阐释。
The relationship imagery reflects the indifferences between individuals, and also reflects Shen's loneliness in his subconsciousness. 人物关系这一意象体现出人与人之间的难以沟通,反映了作者潜意识中的孤独。
This paper then makes a further analysis of relations between consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness in the cognitive activities. 借此,可以进一步分析认知活动中意识、潜意识、无意识的关系。
It reflects a pursuit which is primitive life condition being free and unfettered in his subconsciousness. 这种意向体现了一种对逍遥、自由的生命本真状态的潜意识追求。
Once the logical thinking system is formed, in turn, the subconsciousness thinking system is monitored. 逻辑思维系统一旦建立,反过来又对潜意识思维系统进行监控。
Because of its subconsciousness, it is necessary to evaluate adult attachment from both conscious and subconscious aspects. 研究者认为成人依恋除了具备意识性,还具有潜意识性,因此有必要从两个方面对其进行评估。
In this part, firstly the connotation and characteristics of subconscious do know read; Secondly briefly introduces the subconsciousness theory origin; Then the similarities and differences of consciousness and subconscious comparison to understand reading, the paper consciousness and subconscious in the function of oil paintings. 在这部分中,首先对潜意识的内涵和特征做了解读;其次简要介绍了潜意识理论的由来;然后对意识与潜意识的异同作出了解读对比。最后论述了意识与潜意识在油画创作中的功能。