Effects of Electrical Stimulation of Subdiaphragmatic Vagus on Bile Excretion in Rabbits 电刺激家兔膈下迷走神经对胆汁流量的影响
This method automatically calculates the lung/ mediastinum subdiaphragmatic threshold according to the histogram of chest image processed. 该方法根据胸片图像直方图的特征,自动确定肺部区域和纵膈及下膈膜区域的阈值。
Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy reduce the responses of fever and c-Fos expression in rat PVN and NTS to LPS 膈下迷走神经切断降低LPS所致大鼠发热及室旁核、孤束核c-Fos蛋白表达
Two cases were complicated with subdiaphragmatic abscess and cured by tube drainage. 结果:全组无手术死亡,并发膈下脓肿2例,经穿刺置管引流治愈;
X-ray examination showed large amounts of subdiaphragmatic free air and disappearance of characteristic bubble of stomach. 腹部立位X线平片均显示膈下有大量游离气体,无明显胃泡显影。
Acase report of subdiaphragmatic abscess caused by a giant cholelith 巨大胆囊结石致右膈下脓肿一例
The electrophysiological method was used to record the change of spontaneous and gastric distention-induced afferent discharge of subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve in each group. 2. 应用电生理方法,观察各组注射前后膈下迷走神经传入自发放电以及扩胃诱发放电的变化情况。