A relatively new subdiscipline in architecture that has gained significant prominence is the Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA). 体系结构中一个受到很大重视的相对较新的分支是面向服务的体系结构(SOA)。
Ramsey theory is an important subdiscipline of Discrete Mathematics, and graph Ramsey number is a main branch of Ramsey theory. Ramsey理论是离散数学的一个重要分支,而图的Ramsey数研究是Ramsey理论的一个主要研究方向。
Sustainable growth economics is a new subdiscipline of economics, and Hong Yinxing's Sustainable Crowth Economics marks a good start in that direction. 可持续发展经济学是经济学中一个新的分支学科,洪银兴等同志所著的《可持续发展经济学》一书在这个领域内开了一个很好的头。
Three conditions are required for the formation of a new subdiscipline of economics. 新的经济学分支学科的形成通常需要三个条件。
Gender language has emerged as the subdiscipline of sociolinguistics in which it also plays an important role. 性别差异作为社会语言学的分支学科起了越来越重要的作用。
Educational geography is a subdiscipline of education and geography. 教育地理学是笔者近年来创立的一门教育学和地理学分支学科。
Natural Scenery Emulation is a subdiscipline of Computer Graphics which has attracted many scientists to research in recent years. 近十年自然景物模拟是计算机图形学研究的热点,其基本目标是利用计算机系统尽可能真实地再现大自然巧夺天工的造型,如地貌、海岸、树木、草丛、云彩等大自然中的不规则物体。
Introduction of subdiscipline of environmental sciences-environmental geochemistry 简述环境科学的分支学科&环境地球化学
Study of lithospheric magnetic field: a new subdiscipline of satellite geomagnetism 岩石圈磁场研究&卫星地磁学的一个新分支
A New Subdiscipline of Contemporary Optics& Aero-optics 现代光学新分支学科&气动光学
Literature Information Sociology ( LIS) is a subdiscipline of IMS. 文献信息社会学是信息管理学的一门分支学科。
Educational economics should become an interdisciplinarity of pedagogics and economics, but not a subdiscipline of them. 教育经济学必须发展成为经济学和教育学的交叉学科,而不仅仅是二者的分支学科。
As a subdiscipline of bionics algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization ( ACO) initiates a new way to resolve the combinatorial optimization. 蚁群算法属于仿生学算法中的一个分支,为求解组合优化类问题开拓了一种全新的思维方式。
At the beginning, teaching epistemology as a subdiscipline in instructional theory in high abstraction level, is positioned in the philosophy of teaching level. 教学认识论作为教学论大学科领域内部的一门分支学科,从一开始就以其较高的抽象概括水平,被定位在教学哲学层次。
As an important subdiscipline of information hiding, steganography is to communicate in a concealed way which hides the existence of the secret information. 数字隐写作为信息隐藏技术中的一个主要分支,其目的在于实现秘密信息的隐蔽通信。
As a significant subdiscipline of translation study, consecutive interpreting carries a big weight in the interpretation study. 交替传译作为翻译学的一个重要分支,在口译的发展和研究中起着举足轻重的作用。
Chaos is an important subdiscipline of nonlinear science. Cryptology is an important field of information security. 混沌学是非线性科学的一个重要分支,密码学是信息安全领域的重要学科。
Chaotic cryptology is a subject related to both chaos and cryptology. It is a new subdiscipline of cryptology. 混沌密码学是一个跨域了混沌学和密码学两个领域的学科,是密码学的一个新的分支。
As a new programme of science studies, the sociology of scientific knowledge ( SSK) has been a vigorous subdiscipline since the early 1980s, which has become increasingly influential both within the history and philosophy of science and in sociology and social science more generally. 科学知识社会学是科学的社会研究中最活跃的分支学科,80年代以来在编史学、哲学、社会学和其他社会科学领域产生了广泛影响。