Based on data for the zoogeographic distribution of genera and subgenera, it is noted that genera are majorly distributed in the Palaearctic, the Nearctic and the Oriental region. 概述了洼甲螨科各属(亚属)的地理分布,指出该科目前所知分布较多的是古北界、新北界、东洋界;
Results of observation of the cotyledon morphology of 104 speies and varieties of Rhododendron show that 1. The cotyledon morphology of four subgenera of genus Rhododendron is different, the scales are clearly observed in the cotyledon stage. 通过对杜鹃花属中4个亚厉104种或变种的广叶形态观察发现:1、杜鹃花属中4个亚属间的子叶形态差异较大,杜鹃花鳞片的有无从子叶上就可以清楚地看出。
The 2 subgenera groups can be seen clearly in Wagner tree; the different source of An. 从魏格纳树状图中可清楚显示2个亚属群;
Obective Uscussions about whether the subgenera should be divided under the genusSinocyclocheilus and about the taxonomic position of3 subspecies form lakes of Yunnan Province. 目的讨论金线属是否适宜作亚属划分和该属云南湖泊3亚种的分类地位。方法形态分类和系统发育分析相结合的方法。
Veneridae includes 12 subfamilies, 28 genera, 17 subgenera, 88 species recorded by Zhuangqiqian ( 2001) in Chinese coastal. 庒启谦(2001)记载中国近海的帘蛤科有12个亚科、28个属、17个亚属共计88种[2]。