Feedback is typically gathered subjectively by using, for example, a questionnaire. 反馈一般是使用调查问卷来获得的。
If you can recruit a memory to maintain physiological comfort, at least subjectively, that could be an amazing and complex adaptation, he says. It could contribute to survival by making you look for food and shelter that much longer. 如果回忆可以至少让你自我感觉身体舒适,这都会是一种神奇并复杂的环境适应,他说,它让你可以坚持更长时间以寻觅食物与庇护,这有助于生存。
Philosophers are fond of pointing out that, for all you know, you're surrounded by people who appear to be fully conscious but who experience none of it subjectively. 哲学家们很喜欢这样讲:你只知道你周围的人看起来都具有完整的意识,但没有一个人对此有任何主观体验。
That's the nature of reality, and it seems peculiar that different people with their senses intact would experience it subjectively. 这是现实世界的本质,而感官完好的不同族群会对此有主观体验的想法,似乎有些奇怪。
It is an artistic process about the beauty which has exact essencestandard, and can not be understood subjectively, and at the same time is open and producing unceasingly. 意境最初生成于创作构思,而后凝结于文本,再生成于接受,是一个既有确定的质的规定性、不能主观任意解读同时又具有开放性和不断生成性的美的艺术过程。
The outcome towards the brand would result in the dilution of brand equity coming through brand meaning as understood by the consumer ( either subjectively or objectively). 结果往品牌导致来通过品牌意思的商标权的稀释如由消费者了解(主观地或客观地)。
You cannot look at these facts subjectively. 你应该客观地看待这些事实。
Definition and classification according to the natural and social objective attributes to define subjectively by human. 定义与分类是按照事物的自然和社会的客观属性加以人为的主观界定。
The mission of subjectively cultivating the human character, promoting cultured academic behavior, and objectively stopping academic misconduct cannot be completed in one day. 在主观上培养人的品格,促进高雅的学术素养,并且在客观上阻止学术不端行为的任务不是一天就能完成的。
Sometimes they might subjectively decide a particular work should not be included. 有时候,他们也会主观决定某件作品不应该包括在内。
When thinking subjectively, or in terms of one? s own sense experiences, we find that joyous experiences are an end. 从主观上来说,或者从个人的感官体验来说,我们发现欢乐的体验是一种目的。
Finally, fluctuations of vestibular excitability correlated positively with the extent of subjectively perceived vertigo. 最后,前庭兴奋性的波动与主观认为的眩晕的程度是正性相关的。
Most people tend to look at things subjectively rather than objectively. 大多数人总是主观地而不是客观地看问题。
The thesis is trying to analyze the reason of the phenomenon subjectively and objectively, and further propose that the survival of ETV in the fierce TV market competition depends on its core competitiveness. 本文试图从主、客观两方面分析了造成这些现象的原因,并进一步提出在当前电视市场激烈竞争中,教育电视台的生与死取决于其核心竞争力的强与弱。
Maybe, to appreciate art subjectively, independently and without academic borders, that is, to achieve valuable emotional experience via the psychological crossover with the work and artist, is the only way considered to be great happiness. 也许,能主观地、独立地、不带学术界定地欣赏艺术作品或者说,借助作品和艺术家“神交”,获得些珍贵的情绪化的体验,才不啻为一种莫大的幸福。
This trend is exhibited in the process from external unification to the subjective unification. this annotation subjectively reflects the tendency of Buddhist unity in the Sui and Tang dynasties. 这一历史趋势表现为从客观统一体到主观统一体的发展进程。这一注解客观上反映了隋唐时期中国佛教走向一统的历史趋势。
Objectively, the situation then was really tense but subjectively, of course, there was also the problem of our lack of experience. 从客观上说,环境的确紧张。从主观上说,当然也有个没有经验的问题。
Insufficient reasons: Subjectively because I objectively the relative lack of personnel of the Department, we can not do layout work in a short time! 不足原因:客观上由于我部人员比较缺乏,不能在短时间内做好布置工作!
In lots of situations, when I confronted difficulties, and subjectively thought that would not be overcame, I dropped out and gave up easily. 许多时候,在遇到困难的时候,当我主观地认为无法克服时,我就轻易地退出放弃了。
Comparing several image fusion schemes subjectively and objectively shows the good performance of the new scheme. 对几个图像融合方案从主、客观上进行性能比较,显示了新方案的优越性。
Subjectively speaking, do you trust either A or B? 主观来说,你信任哪一方呢?
Objective condition is huge to change, subjectively ideological change and study is below is cause financial people self quality mastery the major reason of relative hysteresis. 客观情况巨大变化,主观思想转变和学习不足是造成财务人员自身素质修养相对滞后的主要原因。
The existence of legal department is an objective phenomenon, but is also created subjectively. Sometimes Americans are set to be superficial friendly. 法律部门是客观现象,又是人为地划分的。有时美国人的友善被认为是一种表面现象。
Subjectively, the demand of interest is the desire of human being. 荀子所说的对利的需要从主观上说就是人的欲望。
Reliability estimates for the objectively and subjectively scored modules used in 2006 are reported here. 可靠性估计为客观和主观得分模块用于在2006年报告了这里。
I'm too subjectively bound up with the work. 我主观上过于热衷于这项工作。
Our studies suggest that future studies on risk perception should give more attention about the fact that risk is subjectively represented and risk perception is domain specific. 我们的研究指出将来的风险认知研究应该更多地注意到风险表征是主观的而且风险认知是领域特定的。
Through conferences of representatives we could solicit opinions and discuss and study problems, so as to avoid making decisions subjectively. General de Gaulle, whom I did not consult beforehand, was magnificent in his demeanour. 通过代表会议征求意见,商量研究,可以避免主观地决定问题。戴高乐将军(我事前没有征求过他的意见)表现的态度是光明磊落的。
Traditional photography and digital photography are both means a photographer can subjectively choose to face an objective world. 传统的摄影和数码摄影一样都是一种拍摄者对客观世界的主观选择。