In devotion woman is sublimely superior to man. 怜悯是女子胜过男子的德性之一。
Mars will be sublimely compatible, so you should feel ready to meet others and rediscover your yen for a little adventure and change. 火星会变得和谐,所以你感受到自己准备好与人接触,重新发现你能容纳冒险和改善。
Awaking in me, sublimely unconscious, interest and energy for tackling these tasks. 我心中解决这些任务的兴趣和力量完全不知不觉的觉醒了。
At one end of the spectrum Goldman Sachs sails sublimely on, churning out ever-improving earnings figures while offsetting losses on its exposure to the subprime market with vast profits on short positions in mortgages. 在一个极端,高盛(goldmansachs)表现卓越发布的收益数据节节攀升,抵押贷款空头头寸的巨额利润抵消了次级抵押贷款市场投资损失。
Then, as a wild swan, when sublimely winging. 于是,象野天鹅,傲然飞行。