He submerges himself in the world of his imagination. 他沉浸在自己想象的世界中。
Rain-triggered flood submerges parts of Dazhou. 四川达州遭暴雨袭击,洪水漫城。
The German aerialist submerges his half-naked body in a bathtub filled with water then propels himself up a rope to fly, twist and spurt water. 这名德国的高空杂技师先将自己半裸的上身浸入水中,然后通过绳索做出飞身、曲和溅水花等动作。
Everyone here submerges his personal ambitions for the common achievement. 在我们这儿,为了集体的成就,人人都放弃了他个人的雄心壮志。
Already snow submerges an iron year 而大雪埋没了铁样的年关
From June to September the Nile rises and submerges the whole valley. 从六月到九月,河水暴涨,淹没了整个流域。
In some souls, the discordant note becomes harsher and harsher and finally overwhelms or submerges the main melody. 在某些心中,反面谐音会越来越忤耳,最终公然能覆盖主曲;
Affliction is'a kind of horror that submerges the whole soul '. 痛苦实在可怕,在于痛苦完全吞没了整个灵魂。
Grey smog submerges the dusty villages on the main road to the mill. 灰蒙蒙的烟雾遮盖了通往钢厂的主要公路两旁尘土飞扬的村子。
The water level fluctuating zone in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area is a belt zone of the bank beside Yangtze River and its branches in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area, which emerges and submerges periodically with the water level fluctuating seasonally. 三峡库区消涨带是指三峡库区范围内长江干流及其支流由于江(河)水水位季节性涨落,导致其沿江(河)两岸土地出现周期性淹没而自然形成的带状区域。
At the early stage of CA1, computer is only regarded as a teaching tool, applying the same teaching content to the entire students, which submerges student's individuality. 在计算机辅助教育的早期,只是将计算机作为一种教学工具,将同一教学内容千篇一律地应用于所有学生,淹没了学生的个性特点。
In The Story Happened in West-wing House, for seeking self-consolation, the play writer, a disappointed literati, creates the imaginary libido satisfaction love, submerges the female's own sounds and image, limits the progress of the female's self-awareness. 在《西厢记》中,寻求自我安慰的失意文人创造出意淫式的爱情,淹没了女性自己的声音和形象建构,苑囿了女性自我意识的发展。
This chapter first discusses the subjective and objective condition to form the literary criticism, then analysis the thought procedure of literary criticism along four stages: "the preparation, the observation, submerges, comprehends". 第五章阐释与评价:文学批评的程序、步骤与功能,首先探讨形成文学批评的主客观条件的问题,然后按准备、观察、潜入、领会四个阶段分析文学批评的思维程序。