Objective To study the microanatomy of suboccipital extreme lateral approach and improve the safety of suboccipital extreme lateral approach in treatment of lesions of craniocervical junction region. 目的研究枕下极外侧手术入路中的显微解剖结构,以提高颅颈交界区病变经枕下极外侧入路手术的安全性。
Objective Clinic study on improving suboccipital retrosigmoid sinus approach for acustic tumor resection. 目的改良枕下乙状窦后入路临床研究。
Suboccipital craniotomy for posterior fossa lesions 枕下骨瓣开颅术在后颅窝病变治疗中的应用
The microsurgical technique of acoustic neuromas removal trans suboccipital& retrosigmoid sinus approach Application of Neuronavigation in the Operation of Intracranial Small Lesions Neurosurgery 乙状窦后入路切除听神经瘤的显微手术神经导航辅助显微手术切除颅内微小占位病变的临床研究
Objective To evaluate the diagnosis of the large acoustic neuroma, microsurgical resection via a suboccipital retrosigmoid approach and prognosis. 目的探讨经枕下-乙状窦后入路显微手术治疗大型听神经瘤的操作技巧及治疗效果。
The Application of Neuronavigation in the Transsphenoidal Surgery for Resection of Pituitary Adenoma The microsurgical technique of acoustic neuromas removal trans suboccipital& retrosigmoid sinus approach 神经导航在经蝶垂体腺瘤切除术中的应用乙状窦后入路切除听神经瘤的显微手术
Objective To use variations of far lateral suboccipital approach to expose lesions of the anterior or anterolateral medulla oblongata and upper cervical spine adequately. 目的改良远外侧枕下入路,适当显露病变,改善延髓和上颈髓腹侧病变的治疗效果。
Our study showed the following: mastoid process, transverse process of the atlas, and occipital condyle were important signs, superior and inferior suboccipital triangle is the important mark for distinguishing vertebral artery. 研究显示:乳突、环椎横突和枕髁是术中重要的解剖学标志,上、下枕下三角是暴露椎动脉入颅前的一个重要解剖学标志。
A far lateral suboccipital approach in 3 cases. 远外侧枕下入路3例。
Suboccipital decompression and fascia nuchae tighter were put into practice and the good effectiveness has been received. 我院改进了手术方法,实行枕下减压加项筋膜紧缩术,收到良好效果。
Methods The far lateral suboccipital approach was used in 14 patients with tumors of the upper cervical spinal canal and inferior clivus. 方法对14例高颈段椎管内外哑铃型肿瘤及下斜坡肿瘤,采用外侧枕下入路进行手术切除。
The suboccipital segment of the vertebral artery runs a tortuous course. 枕下段椎动脉行程曲折。
All of these 30 patients received suboccipital decompression and cured. 行枕下减压术治疗30例,均痊愈出院。
Conclusion The suboccipital triangle and the dorsal root of C2 were the important masks of the VA. 结论枕下三角和C2神经的腹侧根是辨别椎动脉的重要标志;
68 cases had been operated through suboccipital approach and 12 cases through combined approach. 枕下入路手术68例,幕上下联合入路手术12例。
Conclusion: Study on the microsurgical anatomy of the far lateral suboccipital approach was helpful in resecting tumors situated at lower clivus and foramen magnum. 结论:研究枕下远外侧入路的显微解剖,有助于安全切除下斜坡和枕骨大孔腹侧肿瘤。
Microsurgical Anatomy of the Third Segment of the Vertebral Artery and the Suboccipital Region 椎动脉第三段及枕下区的显微外科解剖
All of 4 paired vertebro occipital muscles are governed by the branch of suboccipital nerve. 34对椎枕肌均由枕下神经的分支支配。
Microanatomy study on suboccipital cavernous sinus 枕下海绵窦的显微解剖学研究
Clinical study on improving suboccipital retrosigmoid sinus approach for acoustic neuromas 听神经瘤枕下乙状窦后开颅技术的改进临床研究
The first step includes the skin incision, exposure suboccipital superficial muscle. 第一步,形成皮瓣,显露枕下浅层肌肉:胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌,二者之间形成枕三角,枕三角的底由头夹肌和头半棘肌构成。
MRI of the suboccipital cavernous sinus with thin sectional anatomy and computerized three-dimensional reconstruction 枕下海绵窦MRI与薄层断面及三维重建对照研究
The cervical nerves pierced their innervating muscles of suboccipital region near their attachments to the occipital bone laterally. 支配肌肉的脊神经在肌肉骨附着部附近由外侧进入所支配肌肉。
The quantitative anatomical comparison between suboccipital lateral and far lateral approach to the lower clival lesion 应用枕下外侧入路和远外侧入路处理下斜坡病变的解剖学量化对比研究
Clinical practice of far lateral suboccipital approach 远外侧枕下入路临床应用的初步经验
Far lateral suboccipital approach for removing the dumbbell tumors of the upper cervical spinal canal and tumors of inferior clivus 远外侧枕下入路切除高颈段椎管内外哑铃型肿瘤及下斜坡肿瘤
Suboccipital retrosigmoid approach drilling of the posterior wall of the internal acoustic meatus and preserving bone labyrinths of 单侧枕下乙状窦后入路磨开内耳道后壁与骨迷路保护
Familiar with the anatomical location of the suboccipital triangle muscle, posterior belly of digastric and the lateral rectus was beneficial with intraoperative protection of the vertebral artery and the facial nerve and other important organizational structure. 2. 结论:1.熟悉掌握枕下三角肌肉、二腹肌后腹及头外侧直肌的解剖位置有利于术中保护椎动脉和面神经等重要组织结构。