
英 [səˌbɔːdɪ'neɪʃn]

n.  从属; 被放在次级; 次等



BNC.13005 / COCA.16449


    The noun and adjective are pronounced /'səbɔdɪnət/. The verb is pronounced /'səbɔdɪneɪt/. 名词和形容词读作 /'səbɔdɪnət/。动词读作 /'səbɔdɪneɪt/。

  1. N-COUNT 下级;下属;部属
    If someone is your subordinate, they have a less important position than you in the organization that you both work for.
    1. Haig tended not to seek guidance from subordinates...
    2. Nearly all her subordinates adored her.
  2. ADJ 隶属的;从属的;下级的
    Someone who is subordinate to you has a less important position than you and has to obey you.
    1. Sixty of his subordinate officers followed his example...
    2. Women were regarded as subordinate to free men.
  3. ADJ-GRADED 次要的;其次的
    Something that is subordinate to something else is less important than the other thing.
    1. It was an art in which words were subordinate to images.
  4. VERB 把…置于次要地位;看轻
    If you subordinate something to another thing, you regard it or treat it as less important than the other thing.
    1. He was both willing and able to subordinate all else to this aim.


  1. Gladiators, although treated like celebrities in Roman times, could not change their subordination to their master.
  2. But when a newly hired amateur lawyer who works for the legendary Pope says I want to be a gladiator in a suit, it gives the show another dimension – subordination.
  3. This illustrates the gain to Protestant countries from the subordination of the Church to the State, and from the comparative weakness of Churches that were not international.
  4. A position of subordination or subjection; servitude.
  5. There's no ontological subordination of the objects properties to the object itself.
  6. Everything else must be viewed in proper subordination now that the times have become so sharp and perilous.
  7. Plato particularly emphasized the unity of the social organism, the parts defined in terms of their subordination to the whole.
  8. Discussed are the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and its application principle according to membership function and maximum subordination principle in fuzzy mathematics.
  9. The Institution of Controlling Corporation's Subordination Debt to Its Affiliated Corporation in Bankruptcy
  10. Many comrades feel that organizational discipline is weak in our army today. Subordination of the lower levels to the higher, and of individuals to the organization is being neglected.
  11. A common argument claims that in folk art, the artist's subordination of technical mastery to intense feeling facilitates the direct communication of emotion to the viewer.
  12. The systematic denigration of the pillars of the Republic the judiciary, the presidency, the Constitution and the deliberate subordination of parties and party programmes to personality and media images have left the country with little in the way of a political compass.
  13. The "marriage", to Blake, means the reconciliation of the contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other.
  14. And, she says, the subordination is often reinforced under the laws of countries-with some legal and regulatory systems often discriminating against women.
  15. Transactions conducted in the property rights trading market are not subject to restriction of regions, trades, amount of capital put in or relationship of administrative subordination.
  16. Relations between authoritarian regimes are based on oppression and subordination, not compromise. Any attempt to co-ordinate the policies of such governments is likely to meet difficulty.
  17. She claims that society is still characterized by male domination and female subordination.
  18. Failure in that is a failure of management, not of subordination.
  19. In popular opinion, the substantive aspect of moral action is its subordination to utility, and the impulses for a yearning to transcend being are related to the good of one's being.
  20. This was recognised and addressed in the recent Eurogroup decision exempting from subordination the bonds of countries in a programme.
  21. The marriage, to Black, means the reconciliation of then contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other.
  22. A Study of the Validity of the Maximum Subordination Principle for the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method
  23. It's subordination to Hanzhong Tourism Bureau and it is also a member of China International Travel Group.
  24. But if investors had any doubts about the practical subordination between Chinese and non-Chinese lenders, Asia Al should remove them.
  25. Economic Integration Subspecies: Study on Subordination of Economic Cycle in Modern China
  26. Based on analyzing the lettering annotation, the paper generalized its characteristics including subordination on position, dispersion on arrangement, hierarchy and classification on contents.
  27. Procuratorial agencies may not have any subordination relations or other interest relations with administrative organs and other State organs.
  28. Subordination of his own group, have a strong sense of responsibility to others.



  1. the act of mastering or subordinating someone

      Synonym:    mastery

    1. the quality of obedient submissiveness

      1. the grammatical relation of a modifying word or phrase to its head

        1. the semantic relation of being subordinate or belonging to a lower rank or class

            Synonym:    hyponymy

          1. the state of being subordinate to something