In other words, each of the high level tasks is mapped to something like a subprocess. 换句话说,每个高级任务映射到类似于子进程的事物上。
Even though we have not performed an update on this order, we find that two instances of the update event subprocess have been activated. 尽管我们未对此订单执行更新,但我们仍然发现更新事件子流程的两个实例已处于激活状态。
Double-clicking on the event subprocess expands it to show the detailed activities inside it, as shown in Figure 3. 双击事件子流程展开它,以显示其中的详细活动,如图3中所示。
This time no unexpected events have been received by this new instance and the token is shown on the event subprocess awaiting any valid event messages that we wish to generate for this order instance. 这次这个新实例未收到意外的事件,并且该标志显示在等待我们希望为此订单实例生成的任何有效的事件消息的事件子流程。
In many cases Python has removed much of the difficulty in using these various methods of concurrency by creating high-level modules such as asynchronous, threading, and subprocess. 在许多情况下,通过创建诸如异步、线程和子进程之类的高层模块,Python简化了各种并发方法的使用。
To illustrate the ability to have repeatable events, Figure 13 shows a situation in which work was completed on the original update and there has since been a further update made and that event has also been received by the event subprocess. 为了演示拥有可重复事件的能力,图13显示了一种情形,其中的工作已在原始更新时完成,但自那以后执行了另一项更新,并且该事件已由事件子流程接收。
Notice that there is no longer a token against the Handle order updates event subprocess. 请注意,不再有针对Handleorderupdates事件子流程的标志。
To illustrate sending an event to be handled by the message-based event subprocess, let's create an order instance. 要演示如何发送一个事件供基于消息的事件子流程进行处理,让我们创建一个订单实例。
That might be a Web service, a System Component Architecture ( SCA) service, or as special case of the latter, a subprocess that is exposed as an SCA service. 这可以是Web服务、系统组件体系结构(SystemComponentArchitecture,SCA)服务或后者的特例&作为SCA服务公开的超类。
The output of each issue-resolution subprocess is a flag indicating what has been done to the transaction. 每个问题解决子流程的输出都是一个标志,指示对事务进行了什么处理。
Similar to a boundary event on an activity, an event subprocess listens for its trigger signal only when the containing process is active. 事件子流程类似于某个活动上的边界事件,仅在包含流程处于活动状态时监听它的触发信号。
Each process, or subprocess, should only ever have one process controller. 每个流程或子流程应该只有一个流程控制者。
The message event has a solid line around it consistent with the view in the collapsed event subprocess you saw in Figure 30. 该消息事件周围有一条实线,这与图30中看到的折叠的事件子流程中的视图一致。
Once the process instance is complete, the contained event subprocess stops listening for events. 流程实例完成后,包含的事件子流程就会停止监听事件。
To use Wilby's process, Destiny must first refine her new activity to make it a global subprocess, which requires her to use the detailed palette instead of the simple ( default) palette. 要使用Wilby的流程,Destiny必须首先完善她的新活动,使其成为一个全局子流程,这要求她使用详细调色板,而不是简单(默认)调色板。
This section introduces the example process for the scenario and shows how a message-based event subprocess is used to allow concurrent updates to be made to an existing process instance. 本节将介绍该场景的示例流程,展示如何使用一个基于消息的事件子流程来允许对现有流程实例进行并发更新。
Note that this variable is also stored in the subprocess_info structure as the complete field. 请注意此变量会存储到subprocessinfo结构作为complete字段。
Figure 30 shows the revised Fulfill order process with an additional event subprocess Handle order cancellation added. 图30显示了修订后的FulfillOrder流程,它添加了一个额外的事件子流程Handleordercancellation。
Figure 31 shows the expanded event subprocess with the Interrupt Parent Process? setting checked. 图31显示了扩展的事件子流程,其中勾选了InterruptParentProcess?设置。
With Python, the subprocess module handles making the system call to the shell command, and puts it into a list, called in array in Bash or PHP. 对于Python,子过程模块处理对Shell命令的系统调用,并将输出发在一个列表(在Bash和PHP中称为数组)中。
Instead, you can begin the initial iteration with just a subprocess within the larger scope. 相反,可以从一个更大范围内的一个子流程开始进行初始迭代。
You likely identified another subprocess. 您可能已标识了另一个子流程。
First note that a subprocess always starts with a start event. 首先注意子流程总是从开始事件开始。
The glue talks to the Browser/ renderer project, which represents the subprocess where we run each tab. Glue与de>Browser/rendererde>工程交流,它代表了运行每个标签的进程。
We find that understanding new methodologies can help us learn new techniques for dealing with specific issues, adapt a subprocess, or get ideas for a new tool. 我们发现,了解新的方法可以帮助我们学习新的处理特定问题的技术、调整子流程,或者从新工具中获得一些启发。
This exception is caught within the subprocess by the error start event handling the bad credit card exception. 通过错误开始事件处理失败的信用卡异常,在子流程捕获异常。
An error boundary event can be used to indicate a fault on a task or a subprocess. 错误边界事件用来指示任务或子流程的故障。
A subprocess can be embedded in the parent process or be a standalone process model that can be invoked by the parent process via a call activity. 子流程可以嵌入到父流程中,或者是独立的流程模型。独立的流程模型能够通过调用活动(callactivity)由父流程调用。
The subprocess shows the use of error end and start events and the use of terminate end event. 子流程显示了错误和开始事件的使用和终止结束事件的使用。
Besides using the monkeyrunner API itself, you can use the standard Python os and subprocess modules to call Android tools such as Android Debug Bridge. 除了使用monkeyrunnerAPI之外,您还可以使用标准的Pythonos和模块来调用如AndroidDebugBridge这样的Android工具。