Similarly, to keep your CSS code tidy, consider grouping component style subsets. 同样地,要让CSS代码保持整齐,可以考虑对组件样式子集进行分组。
You can define named subsets of one or more database partitions within a database. 可以在一个数据库中定义包含一个或多个数据库分区的有名称的子集。
Subsets of the XML documents, even individual elements and attributes, can be queried and retrieved. XML文档的子集,甚至单独的元素和属性,都可以执行查询和检索。
This trade-off is applied to higher order subsets too. 这一策略也适用于更高阶的子集。
Multiple, overlapping views within the framework express subsets of this model. 框架中多重的、重叠视图表示该模型的子集。
These subsets differ from user to user and from need to need. 这些子集随不同的用户和不同的需要而异。
Subsets of dimension members can be selected based on simple or complex sets of filters. 可以根据简单或复杂的过滤器选择维度成员的子集。
, in this context, refers to logical subsets of the content stored in the ring. 指的是环中所存储内容的逻辑子集。
User-experience storyboards are subsets of the user-experience model used to describe the screens involved with system use cases. 用户体验情节串连图板是用户体验模型的子集,用于描述与系统用例有关的屏幕。
Optim Development Studio offers an easy way to copy and paste objects and data subsets between databases that are needed for a certain function in the development or test environment. OptimDevelopmentStudio提供一种简单的方法来在开发或测试环境中的某个功能需要的数据库之间复制和粘贴对象和数据子集。
These levels are based on the system's kernel levels and software package subsets. 这些级别是基于系统的核心层和软件包子集。
The study of T cell subsets in HBV-infected peripheral HBV感染者外周血T细胞亚群的研究
The subsets in a partition are called cells. 划分中的各子集被称为单元。
Analysis of Immunophenotype, Lymphocytic Subsets and NK Cells in Patients with B Cell Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia 慢性B淋巴细胞白血病患者免疫表型及其淋巴细胞亚群和NK细胞的分析
If a table is needed in two or more subsets, a separate entity is created for each one. 如果两个或多个子集都需要某张表,那么就为他们分别创建独立的实体。
To produce a computer program by a selection of subsets from skeletal code under the control of parameters. 在参量的控制下,从骨架代码中选择出子集以产生一个计算机程序。
In certain case it might be necessary to further decompose a spiral into convex subsets. 在某些情况下,把一个螺旋形进一步分解成凸子集是必要的。
As you have discovered in recent problem set, it is possible to construct all subsets of a set. 正如你在最近的问题集中发现的,构建集合的所有子集是可行的。
They are not subsets or supersets of SOA, nor are they incompatible with SOA. 它们既不是SOA的子集也不是SOA的超集,和SOA也并不兼容。
Effects of Arsenic Trioxide on Expression of Cytokines and Lymphocyte Subsets in MRL/ lpr Mice 三氧化二砷对MRL/lpr狼疮鼠淋巴细胞亚群和细胞因子表达的影响
In this paper the local compactness of the nonempty closed subsets hyperspaces with locally finite topology is discussed. 本文讨论了赋予局部有限拓扑的非空闲子集超空间的局部紧性。
Mind control technologies can be broadly divided into two subsets: trauma-based or electronic-based. 精神控制技术可以被广义上分成两支:基于创伤的和基于电子的。
Some subsets of data are of interest to many users. 许多用户对数据的某些子集感兴趣。
Effect of Umbilical Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Postoperative Gastrointestinal Function and T Cell Subsets 术后中药敷脐对胃肠功能和T细胞亚群的作用
Tuberculosis; T lymphocyte subsets; Immunity response; 结核病;T淋巴细胞亚群;免疫应答;
Change of the level of peripheral blood T cell subsets and NK cells in patients with coronary heart disease 冠心病患者外周血T细胞亚群和自然杀伤细胞的变化
Objective To analyze of the role of peripheral blood T-cell subsets in unexplained habitual abortion ( UHA). 目的分析外周血T细胞亚群改变在原因不明习惯性流产(UHA)发病中的可能作用。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the Effect of Rujie an capsules on bastoplasia and T-lymphocyte subsets of spleen in rats. 目的:探讨乳洁安胶囊对大鼠乳腺增生及脾脏T淋巴细胞亚群影响。
Discussion on changes in platelet specific autoantibody, T lymphocyte subsets and NK cells in patients with ITP ITP血小板特异性抗体和T淋巴细胞亚群及NK细胞变化的意义探讨