Prevention and Treatment of the Complications of Calcaneum Fracture Subtalar Joint 累及距下关节跟骨骨折并发症的防治
These significant findings demonstrated that subtalar joint provided the function for keeping the human in neutral position. 此现象证实距下关节于足跟著地期具有维持人体自然姿势之功用。
Mid-tarsal and subtalar movements can also be assessed passively. 跗中关节和距下关节运动也可被动检查。
Objective: To provide computerized 3D reconstruction of ligaments of lateral aspect of the ankle and subtalar joints. 目的:对踝、距下关节外侧韧带进行计算机三维重建。
Methods Observation of the talocalcaneal joint ( subtalar joint) was carried out on cadaver feet specimens and 40 pairs of talus and calcaneus with intact talocalcaneal joints. 方法观察7只尸体足和40副距跟骨的距跟关节(距下关节)。
Sectional anatomy of ligaments of lateral aspect of ankle and subtalar joints 踝关节外侧副韧带和距下关节韧带的断层解剖学研究
Application of Computer Image Process to the Research on the Contact Characteristics of Subtalar Joint 计算机图像处理技术在人体矩下关节接触特征研究中的应用
Biomechanical study of subtalar joint in normal adult's foot during three-dimensional motion 距下关节在成人足三维运动中的力学研究
Conclusions Achillis tendon-sliding procedure and subtalar joint capsula release by the same cut can solve rotation of displacement between calcaneus and talus and individualization treatment can also solve high arch deformity and adduction of foot. 结论跟腱滑动延长较好地纠正了马蹄,距下关节松解可使跟骨与距骨之间能获得充分的旋转复位,个体化治疗可有效解决中足高弓及前足内收畸形。
Biomechanical Study of Subtalar Joint after the Talar Neck Fracture 距骨颈骨折后距下关节生物力学演变研究
Calcaneal Cumulus and Subtalar Joint Reconstruction for Malunion of Calcaneal Fracture 跟骨丘部及后距下关节重建治疗跟骨骨折畸形
Conclusion: Complete subtalar release is recommended for children under the age of 18 months with clubfoot. 结论:距下完全松解术对儿童先天性马蹄内翻足是一种良好的手术方法,值得临床推广使用。
Influence of subtalar joint arthrodesis on hind foot motion 距下关节融合对后足运动的影响
Conclusions: The lateral ligaments around ankle and subtalar joints can be displayed clearly on MRI. 结论:在MRI上能清楚显示踝、距下关节外侧区的各条韧带。
Conclusion: Subtalar arthrodesis and internal fixation with reconstruction plate can be used in treatment of Sanders IV type calcaneal fracture depended on the degree of comminuted fracture. 结论对于SandersIV型跟骨骨折根据其粉碎程度可行距下关节融合跟骨钢板内固定术。
Research on subtalar joint segmentation and information extraction based on CT sequence of images 距下关节CT序列图像分割及信息提取研究
Changes of contact characteristics of the subtalar joint after calcaneus fracture 跟骨骨折对距下关节接触特征影响的实验研究
Acute emergent treatment on subtalar joint dislocation 距下关节脱位的急诊处理
Experimental Study of Effect of Subtalar Joint Arthrodesis on Middle and Hind Foot Motion 距下关节融合对中后足周围关节活动度影响的生物力学实验研究
Experimental study of subtalar and ankle joint in hind foot motion 距下关节、踝关节对后足运动影响的实验研究
Sagittal section anatomy of human ankle and subtalar joint 踝关节与距下关节矢状断层解剖学
A subtalar joint information extraction method based on images is presented. 提出一种基于图像的距下关节信息提取方法。
Objective To investigate the properties of hind foot motion and it's changes in ankle or subtalar joint arthrodesis. 目的研究踝关节与距下关节的运动范围及其对后足运动的影响。
Treatment of comminuted calcaneal fracture involving the subtalar joint with small incision and micro-invasive technique 小切口微创治疗累及距下关节的粉碎性跟骨骨折
There is no poor case ( the deformity of foot needs second surgery combined with dislocation of subtalar joint). 差0足:需再次手术矫正足部畸形,仍有距下关节脱位。
The subtalar joints got joint osteoarthritis fusion in 3~ 6 months ( mean 3.7 months). 距下关节在3~6个月(平均3.7个月)距下关节得到骨性融合。
Because of the joint instability the subtalar joint had been under wear, and arthritis were formed the next time, patients suffered foot pain. 距下关节不稳并受到磨损形成距下关节炎,引起疼痛。