Microsurgical Anatomy of the Subtemporal Transtentorial Approach 颞下经小脑幕入路相关显微解剖学研究
Study of Applied Anatomy Related to Neurosurgery through Subtemporal Transtentorial Approach to Superior Petroclival Region 颞下经小脑幕入路至上岩斜区应用解剖研究
Objective To study the anatomy of subtemporal keyhole approach, and investigate its value in clinical application. 目的进行颞下锁孔入路解剖学研究,探讨其临床应用价值。
Observations on Anatomic of the Area of Tentorium of Cerebellum and Labbe Vein Through Subtemporal Approach and Subtemporal Keyhole Approach 颞下和颞下锁孔入路小脑幕切迹区及Labbe静脉解剖观察
Conclusion Subtemporal transtentorial approach for excision of tumors at superior-middle petroclival region has advantages of shorter approach and easy to expose. 结论颞下经小脑幕入路切除中上岩斜区肿瘤具有手术路径短、容易暴露的优点。
Objective To explore the surgical technique for excision of mid-superior petroclival region tumor through subtemporal transtentorial approach. 目的探讨颞下经小脑幕入路切除中上岩斜区肿瘤的手术技巧。
Objective Based on the rationale of "keyhole" minimally invasive neurosurgery, the normal subtemporal approach was modified to decrease the surgical trauma. 目的以“锁孔”微创的理念,改良常规颞下入路,以减少手术损伤。
The operation methods included: small bone window craniotomy in 24 cases, subtemporal decompression in 7 cases and large standard traumatic bone flap craniotomy in 3 cases. 手术方式:小骨窗开颅24例,颞肌下减压7例,标准外伤大骨瓣开颅3例;
Objective: To study the related anatomy of surgical approaches to the subtemporal fossa and media cranial fossa. 目的:为颞下窝和颅中窝入路提供相关的解剖依据。
Method Anatomic features were studied and measured in12 sides of6 adult cadavers head fixed in10% formalin and subtemporal keyhole approach was performed. 在6具(12侧)10%福尔马林固定的成人尸头标本上进行颞下锁孔入路的相关解剖结构观察与测量;
Objective To explore clinical significance of subtemporal decompression in traumatic total anterior circulation infarcts ( TTACI). 目的探讨颞肌下减压性手术治疗外伤性全前循环梗死的临床意义。
Objective: To study the relationship of anatomical landmarks of posterior temporal cranial base and gain the orientation for posterior subtemporal transtentorial approach. 目的:对后颞部进行解剖学研究,为颞底-经小脑幕手术入路提供解剖学基础。
Transzygomatic subtemporal approach for resection of the middle, posterior and subtemporal fossa tumors 经颧颞下入路切除颅中窝、颅后窝及颞下窝肿瘤
External drainage after burr hole and subtemporal muscular fasciae drainage for 32 cases of traumatic subdural effusion 钻孔外引流加颞肌筋膜下分流术治疗外伤性硬膜下积液32例
Methods: The length of lines linking zygion to the structures in subtemporal fossa, pterion to the structures in media cranial fossa, the angles between these lines and median vector were measured oh the 40 cranium. 方法:测量40例颅骨,确定颧弓点至颞下窝、翼点至颅中窝内各结构的距离和夹角。
What is significance of subtemporal decompression in the traumatic total anterior circulation infarcts 外伤性全前循环梗死减压性手术临床观察
After the petrosal apex is drilled away, the tentorium is cut and extended with T shaped fashion by intradural and subtemporal exposure, this maneuver greatly facilitates access to the upper one-half clivus and the ventral surface of the mesencephalon and upper pons. 完成岩尖磨除后,硬脑膜内前颞下入路T形切开天幕,可充分显露并切除位于上、中斜坡、中脑和上桥脑腹侧的病变。
Microdissection Study of Subtemporal Approach for Middle Cranial Fossa 颅中窝经颞下手术入路的显微解剖研究
The study on the microsurgical anatomy of the frontotemporal-zygomatic arch-subtemporal approach 额颞经颧弓-颞下手术入路的显微解剖学研究
Clinical application of anterior subtemporal keyhole approach microsurgery 前颞下锁孔入路显微手术的临床应用
Methods 10 cadaver specimens ( 20 sides) were used to study the subtemporal keyhole approach and measure the distances from posterior pedicle of the zygomatic arch to the important structures in the suprasellar region. 方法在20侧尸头标本上模拟颞下锁孔入路,测量术中标志点与鞍上区各重要结构间的距离。
Applied anatomical study of posterior subtemporal transtentorial approach 颞底-经小脑幕手术入路的应用解剖学
Applied anatomy for approaches of the subtemporal fossa and media cranial fossa 颞下窝及颅中窝手术入路应用解剖
The subtemporal approach provides short distance, vertical angle large for operation and well-exposure. After the petrous apex bone grinding the exposure may provide well-exposure for the petroclival region. 其中颞下入路手术操作距离短、垂直视角大、显露范围广,磨除岩尖骨质后可更好的显露岩斜区。
Subtemporal subdural through the petrous approach, According to the Internal auditory canal with the petrous into the angle and Surface location of the auditory nerve. 颞下硬膜下经岩骨入路可先根据面听神经的位置结合内听道和岩骨嵴所成的角度判断出内听道在岩骨前表面的投影。