The fourth section is to state the improvement of protecting regulations on subtenants 'interest when lessees sublet the house without authorization. 第四部分是承租人擅自转租时次承租人利益保护制度的完善。
Subtenants are the users of the house, who have tightly direct contact on the houses and whose interest would be easily harmed in the relationship of house-subletting as well. 次承租人作为房屋的实际占有、使用者,与房屋的直接联系程度最为紧密,在转租关系中的利益也最容易受到侵犯。
Laws should bring subtenants subrogation rights in order to prevent termination rights of lessors, and should explain exerting patterns, procedure and legal consequences of the rights. 赋予次承租人代位清偿权以阻却出租人的法定解除权,并对代位清偿权的行使方式、程序、法律后果进行了论述。
The second section states the rules and their shortages of current laws concerning protection the rights of subtenants. 第二部分是我国法律关于保护次承租人利益的规定和不足。
In the event of unauthorized subletting, this section comments on the rules of current laws and their shortage of protecting subtenants 'interest. 在承租人擅自转租的情况下,就现行法律的有关规定及在保护次承租人方面的不足作了点评。
Current laws only stipulate that lessors enjoy termination rights, but do not stipulate the time limit and the way of exerting the rights. As a result, subtenants 'interest will have been unstable for a long time. 现行法律仅规定出租人享有解除权,对解除权行使的期限及方式都未作规定,次承租人的利益将长期处于不稳定状态。
At first, this section lists some examples. Lessors terminates the contract through negotiation or exerting their legal termination rights, and by which this section comments on the lack of current rules in protecting the rights of subtenants. 首先,列举了出租人通过协商解除合同或者行使法定解除权的相关法律规定,并对现有规定在保护次承租人方面的不足作了评析。