The same argument applies for LDAP connections that require binding with a specific credential to an LDAP subtree. LDAP连接需要将LDAP子树与特定证书绑定,因而也有同样的问题。
With the repository that was just added, enter the path of the subtree, which will be searched in the LDAP server for user entries. 对于刚刚添加的存储库,输入子树的路径,这将在LDAP服务器中对用户条目进行搜索。
The destination node may be in another document, in which case the subtree is copied between documents. 目标节点可以在另一个文档中,在这种情况下,在两个文档之间复制子树。
The example program has many configuration files and deployment plans, nearly all of which are found in the src/ resources subtree of the project. 示例程序有许多配置文件和部署计划,几乎所有的这些东西都能在项目的src/resources子树中找到。
They expect to work with an entire document, or at least an entire subtree of a document. 它们希望处理整个文档,或者至少是文档中一个完整的子树。
Every node in the address tree will have lesser address nodes in its left subtree and higher address nodes in its right subtree. 地址树中每个节点的地址都比左边子树中的节点低,比右边子树中的节点高。
Calling the function on a subtree of the document can diminish the risks. 在文档的子树上调用该函数可以减少这些出错的风险。
If you want additional subtrees configured, add additional base entries with appropriate subtree roots. 如果您希望配置其他子树,可以在适当的子树根中添加其他基本项。
This method, also found on the Document interface, effectively moves a subtree from one document to another. 在Document接口中也可以找到这个方法,adoptNode方法可以高效地将子树从一个文档移到另一个文档中。
To retrieve an item from a subtree, you compute a hash value from the column you chose when creating the index. 从子树中检索一个项目,当您创建索引时,可以从所选的列中计算出一个hash值。
In this article, we specify only one subtree for the configured LDAP server. 在本文中,我们只为已配置的LDAP服务器指定一个子树。
The location contains the current subtree and the path to the root. 该位置包含当前子树和通往根的路径。
It has a validate() method that validates the subtree of XML under this XMLObject. 有一个validate()方法,可以用它验证该XMLObject下的XML子树。
Note that the subtree root in the actual LDAP ( dc= testadsserver, dc= local) does not show up in the user name; instead, the base entry to which this was mapped in the federated repository is shown. 注意,实际LDAP(dc=testadsserver,dc=local)中的子树根没有显示在用户名中;而是显示了联合存储库中映射的基本项。
Data under cn= aixdata ( except the subtree ou= people, cn= aixdata) and cn= ibmpolicies will be present across all the four servers in our configuration. cn=aixdata(除了ou=People,cn=aixdata子树)和cn=ibmpolocies下面的数据在此配置中的所有四个服务器上都出现。
You define a simple Perl subroutine to add a subelement to a node in the tree and then use this to construct the subtree representing an individual pet. 这里定义了一个简单的Perl子例程向树中的一个节点增加子元素,然后用它构造表示单个新宠物的子树。
The delete action is also accessible via the toolbar or the menu and has the effect of deleting the subtree rooted at the selected node. 您也可以通过工具栏或菜单访问delete操作,该操作能够删除以所选择的节点为根节点的子树。
Notice that the element includes child elements that form a subtree structure under the element. 其中,元素还有自己的孩子,形成了元素下的子树结构。
All the AIX data is present under the cn= aixdata subtree. 所有AIX数据出现在cn=aixdata子树下面。
The top-level subtree base cn= aixdata will be on only one back-end server behind the proxy. 顶级子树基cn=aixdata只放在代理背后的一个后端服务器上。
The newsgroup subtree is already assigned to another virtual directory. 新闻组子目录树已分配给其他虚拟目录。
To delete an entire subtree in the directory. 结合使用可删除目录中的整个子树。
Note that in traversing a tree, at any point in the traversal, a node can be the root of a new subtree. 注意在穿越树中,任何的点,一个节点都可能是新的子树的根。
Among these three categories a possible common subtree algorithm is presented based on the enumeration tree technique of data mining domain. 本文深入探讨了每类算法中的代表算法,其中根据数据挖掘中枚举树相关技术提出了一种可能的公共子树查找算法的思想。
Copies the tree node and the entire subtree rooted at this tree node. 复制树节点和以此树节点为根的整个子树。
Querying in Sensor Networks Based on Common Subtree Caching 基于公共子树缓存的传感器网络查询技术研究
A Connection and Combination Based Research for Subtree Mining 基于连接和合并的子树挖掘算法研究
The transaction state of a registry subtree is incompatible with therequested operation. 注册表子树的事务状态与所请求的操作不兼容。
Permissions are insufficient to access tree or subtree. 没有足够的权限访问树或子树。
In particular, we need the parent node so that when we receive new search results, we know which subtree to add them to. 特别地,我们需要其父节点,这样当收到新的搜索结果时,我们知道要将它们加到哪个子树上。