He does not glory in his past successes and looks forward to achieving more. 他没有陶醉于过去的成功,而是期望取得更大的成就。
To judge trips as if they're successes or failures may be oversimplifying things. 仅以成功或失败来判断行程可能过于简单化了。
His abiding passion was ocean racing, at which he scored many successes 他一直酷爱海上赛艇,并多次在比赛中获胜。
We have achieved great successes in the cause of building up our country. 我们在建设我们国家的事业中取得了巨大的成就。
One mustn't be carried away by one's successes. 在胜利面前不要忘乎所以。
Our successes were hard-earned. 我们的成功来之不易。
Wish you even greater successes! 祝你们取得更大的胜利!
Years of painstaking work brought great successes. 多年的辛劳结出了硕果。
In formulating policies, we must not be seeking short-term successes and quick profits ( or we should take a long-range view of things). 制定政策不能急功近利,要有长远的观点。
He says it is very important to have these meetings and these successes. 他说,举行这种会谈和取得这些成就是非常重要的。
This potential is so exciting-each new year presents new challenges and new potential successes. 这种潜质太令人兴奋了每一个新学年都会出现新的挑战和具有成功潜质的新人。
Many successful people actually daydreamed their successes and achievements long before they realized them. 许多成功者实现他们的成功和成就前,实际上早在做白日梦了。
Were you surprised by your early career successes? 你对你职业生涯早期的成功感到惊讶吗?
We applauded the successes of the army and the navy. 我们称赞陆军和海军的成功。
I own all my successes, and all my failures and mistakes. 我也拥有我的成功,失败和错误。
And only those successes which have been achieved after many failures are really valuable and praiseworthy. 只有经过许多次失败后取得的成功才是真正有价值和值得称赞的。
Both successes and failures can teach you how to increase new projects'impact and cost-effectiveness. 成功和失败都可以教会你如何提高新项目的影响力和成本效益。
There were successes, with new VCA project wins in the transportation and critical infrastructure markets; 这一年有成功,新的VCA项目在运输和关键基础设施市场中取得了好成绩;
In life, we all experience successes and failures. 在生活中,我们都会经历成功和失败。
Yaoming's successes are attributed to his unremitting efforts and strong willpower. 姚明的成功都应归功于他的不懈努力和坚强的毅力。
Share your knowledge and successes with others; 与其他人分享你的知识和成功经验;
It is universally acknowledged that China has achieved tremendous successes in family planning. 中国实行计划生育取得了举世公认的巨大成就。
If you have a good track record, that means that you've had many successes; 如果你有好的业绩,那就意味着你获得了多次成功;
They scored some notable sales successes. 他们有销售业绩上取得了一些很显著的成绩。
Human history is a unique blend of successes and failures, victories and vanquishes and of love and war. 人类的历史是一部成功与失败,胜利和征服和战争的爱和独特的混合。
He had time to reflect on his successes and failures. 他有时间思考他的成功和失败。
They gained great successes in developing their national economies and cultures. 他们在发展民族经济和文化方面取得很大成就。
Include previous successes, your skills and qualities, your support network and your goals. 其中包括过去的成功,你的本领和特质,你的支持团队,和你的目标。
After only two years of implementing PEDP, tremendous successes have been achieved. 小学教育发展计划只实行了两年,就取得了巨大的成功。
Our technical team has researched hundred cases of outsourcing services, their successes, setbacks and pitfalls. 我们的技术团队已经研究过几百个外包服务的案例,了解了它们的成功与不足之处。