
英 [səkˈsɛʃənz] 美 [səkˈsɛʃənz]

n.  一连串; 一系列; 连续的人(或事物); 交替; 更迭; 继承; 继任; (尤指王位的)继承权


  1. N-SING 一连串;一系列;连续
    A succession of things of the same kind is a number of them that exist or happen one after the other.
    1. Adams took a succession of jobs which have stood him in good stead...
    2. Scoring three goals in quick succession, he made it 10-8...
      在短短的时间内他连进三球,最终以 10 比 8 取胜。
    3. Fraser Clyne has won the Scottish Road Running Championship for the third year in succession.
  2. N-UNCOUNT 继承;继任;继承权
    Succession is the fact or right of being the next person to have an important job or position.
    1. She is now seventh in line of succession to the throne.


  1. A successions of words, rapidly appearing and disappearing-just so that an attentive viewer can grasp the meaning.
  2. The Kiliyang section, Pishan County, Xinjiang, is a section with the most complete Meso-Cenozoic successions and most typical deformation phenomenon in the southern Tarim depression.
  3. Riverine Ecology Restoration by Ecological Engineering and Naturalization Characters and successions of natural wetland vegetation in Yellow River Delta
  4. New Paleomagnetic Results from Mesoproterozoic Successions in Jixian Area, North China Block, and Their Implications for Paleocontinental Reconstructions; Recent Progress in the Study of Paleo-permafrost and Paleo-environments in the Inner Mongolia Region and Northeast China
  5. Effects of Successions of Communities on Plant Species Diversity in Post-fire Area in Cangshan Mountain
  6. Yet successions are not always bad for investors.
  7. GEOCHRONOLOGICAL successions of the early Precambrian granitic magmatism in southern Liaodong Peninsula and its constraints on tectonic evolution of the North China Craton
  8. Study on Hydrocarbon Migration in the Carbonate Successions in the Tahe Oilfield
  9. Harmony concerns the building of chord ( tones played together) derived from the scale on which the music is based, and it also involves the order in which successions of chords accompany the melody.
  10. The struggle between Shu and Wu fought for Jingzhou also turned out to be Shu's successions of victories while Wu just helplessly waited for its end.
  11. Due to many reasons of multiple folk migration, transmigration and dynasty successions in history, different ethnic groups are mixed and gathered with others.
  12. Neoproterozoic Macrofossil Records in South China and Biostratigraphic Successions and Correlations
  13. Characters and successions of natural wetland vegetation in Yellow River Delta
  14. According to the mutual relations of each tectonic combinations, isotopic age, metamorphism event and magma event-the tectonic deformation successions were established which include two cycles and four generations.
  15. The soil water available capacity was raised with evolving successions of vegetation.
  16. The results showed that under different desertification controlling approaches the successions of invertebrate community are not same.
  17. On the basis of these events, the distribution of Precambrian strata in Sichuan, Yunnan, and Jiangxi is described, and the representative stratigraphic successions from some relatively continuous profiles and their comparison to the four stages are discussed.
  18. Ding Ling's patriotic feelings and plain spirits are the successions and development of Lu Xun's patriotic moralities and plain spirits.
  19. The volcanic successions consist predominantly of basaltic lavas with subordinate intermediate and acid lavas and pyroclastic rocks.
  20. Studies on characteristics and successions of structure of fishery resources in the China Seas
  21. The analysis on time successions of cadastral entities
  22. The quantitative analysis of historical sedimentology for lithofacies successions is a kind of qualitative and quantitative analysis method which is based on dynamical sedimentology analysis, making use of geomathematics and electronic computer.
  23. The diagenesis of clastic rock reservoirs can be divided into two successions, i. e. successively buried diagenetic succession and intermittently buried diagenetic succession.
  24. All of the results indicated that ( 1) changes of canopy structure and tree species during successions can affect the concentration of TOC during the hydrological processes;
  25. Definite geological meanings were given respectively to calculated values of transition probability matrix, extremity probability matrix, substitution matrix and the entropy. The lithologic successions of coarse-fine-coarse grained layers from bottom upwards in the coal-bearing series made up the general symmetric cyclic patterns.
  26. With the degeneration of vegetation, decreasing of soil nutrients results in regressive successions in red earth ecosystem.
  27. Limit inherited system is an important part of the inheritance law means succession when China issued social economy foundation of restriction and theoretical knowledge insufficiently successions only to limiting the inheritance of principle simple rules.
  28. This research also reveals that susceptibility can be used as a palaeoclimate proxy for Precambrian successions.
  29. With the successions of sand community, plant community composition and structure also produced tremendous change, and plant community continues to accelerate recovery, sandy soil in the recovery process, plays a very important role.