VERB 足够;充足 If you say that something will suffice, you mean it will be enough to achieve a purpose or to fulfil a need.
A cover letter should never exceed one page; often a far shorter letter will suffice. 附信不应超过一页,通常来说,一封相对非常简短的信就足够了。
PHRASE (用于句首)无须多说,只需说…就够了 Suffice it to say or suffice to say is used at the beginning of a statement to indicate that what you are saying is obvious, or that you will only give a short explanation.
Suffice it to say that afterwards we never met again... 简单地说,此后我们再也没有见过面。
Suffice to say, it was more than a couple of years ago! 我只想说,那是几年前的事了!
Many skeptical progressives refuse to agree that the foregoing reform sufficed. 许多持怀疑态度的进步分子认为,上述改革是不够的。
Kicking the can down the road to buy some time may have sufficed at, say, the third or fourth summit, but doing so this deep in the crisis is simply inappropriate. 如果这是第三或第四次峰会,拖延回避或许还无可厚非,但危机已持续两年多了,还这样就有些说不过去了。
The pronunciation of a few words, the name, no doubt, which her husband had whispered in her ear, had sufficed to rouse this huge, somnolent woman, and from being repulsive she became terrible. 这痴肥疲软的女人,经她丈夫在耳边说了几个字,大致是个什么人的名字,便立即醒觉过来,从丑陋可憎变成狰狞可怕了。
This inequality of conditions sufficed to assure some advantage to Jean Valjean in that mysterious duel which was on the point of beginning between the two situations and the two men. 所处情况的不同使得这一秘密的即将开始的两种地位和两个人之间的决斗将对冉阿让有利。
This simple man sufficed for Cosette's thought, the same as the wild garden sufficed for her eyes. 这个淳朴的人能使珂赛特的思想感到满足,正如这个荒园在游戏方面使她满意一样。
Sultan, her cat, which might have mewed Allegri's miserere in the Sixtine Chapel, had filled her heart and sufficed for the quantity of passion which existed in her. 苏丹,她的猫,一只能在西斯廷教堂咪嗷咪嗷歌唱阿列格利所作《上帝怜我》诗篇的老雄猫,已经充满了她的心,也满足了她身上那点热情。
As three days in April suffice to cover certain trees with flowers, six months had sufficed to clothe her with beauty. 正如在四月里一样,三天的时间足使某些树木花开满枝,六个月已同样够使她周身秀美了。
All that Providence required in order to make Waterloo the end of Austerlitz was a little more rain, and a cloud traversing the sky out of season sufficed to make a world crumble. 上天只须借几滴雨水,便可使滑铁卢成为奥斯特里茨的末日,一片薄云违反了时令的风向穿过天空,便足使一个世界崩溃。
But this sufficed for Jacopo, who instinctively felt that Edmond had a right to superiority of position& a superiority which Edmond had concealed from all others. 他已经本能地觉察到了爱德蒙的卓越,那是一种别人都没有觉察到的卓越;
In fact, to get Wurmser, it sufficed to blanch the hair of Wellington. 的确,要打败维尔姆泽,只需使威灵顿的头发变白就是了。
After many days, when time sufficed for the people to arrange their thoughts in reference to the foregoing scene, there was more than one account of what had been witnessed on the scaffold. 过了许多天,人们总算有了充分的时间来调整有关那件事的看法,于是对于他们所看到的刑台上的情景就有了多种说法。
It was, moreover, a separate and insulated event, to occur but once in her lifetime, and to meet which, therefore, reckless of economy, she might call up the vital strength that would have sufficed for many quiet years. 更主要的,那是在她一生中独一无二的一次各别的孤立事件,因此她可以不借调动在平静的岁月中足够多年消耗的生命力去应付一时之需。
Their immediate posterity, the generation next to the early emigrants, wore the blackest shade of Puritanism, and so darkened the national visage with it, that all the subsequent years have not sufficed to clear it up. 早期移民的子嗣,也就是他们的下一代后人,受清教主义阴影笼罩最深,从而使国家的形象黯淡无光,以致在随后的多年中都不足以清洗干净。
A quick look at medical history would have sufficed to understand that infectious diseases have accompanied humans ever since they opted for a sedentary lifestyle. 匆匆浏览一下人类的病史就能完全理解,自人类选择了静态生活方式以后传染病一直陪伴着人类。
It sufficed for us two. 我们两个人,日子还过得去。
But this unexpected, unhoped-for, unheard-of fortune sufficed you no longer when you once possessed it. 但当你获得了那笔意想不到的,闻所未闻的意外之财的时候,你又觉得不够了。
Almost any kind of a shelter sufficed for the man who came to make his stake and leave again. 对于一个来这儿挣了钱就走的人来说,只要能遮风避雨,几乎任何住所都行。
The presence of this gibbet sufficed to render gloomy all the surrounding places. 那刑台的存在足以使那一带显得阴森恐怖。
To have believed him for a single moment would have sufficed to fill a man of conscience with remorse and shame for the rest of his life. 只要稍有一点相信他的话就足以使有良心的人终生悔恨、羞惭。
He did not raise his to her often: a quick glance now and then sufficed; but it flashed back, each time more confidently, the undisguised delight he drank from hers. 他不大抬眼看她,只是时不时地很快地瞥一眼。可是这种偷看,每一次都带回他从她眼中所汲取的那种毫不掩饰的喜悦,越来越满不在乎了。
The whole of this conversation was such a shock that, coming as it did after all the other worry of the past week, it sufficed to induce a deep gloom and moral revulsion in hurstwood. 整个谈话使得赫斯渥大为震惊。刚刚经历了上个星斯的种种焦虑,又碰上这么一番谈话。震惊之余,他心里不由得产生了一种深深的忧虑和对道德的反感。
Some friends'invitation on the purpose of washing my trip dust turn my days in unemployment sufficed and occupied. 一些朋友的邀请使我待业的日子变得精神富足和充实。
Westerner: Good meal for once a day is sufficed. 西方人一日三餐有一餐吃得好即可;
Some insiders indicated that "Katherine Jackson the husband who sufficed has been created a scene, his behavior, let her and Jackson's family, felt that lost face." 有知情人就表示,“凯瑟琳杰克逊受够的丈夫的无理取闹了,他的行为,让她和杰克逊的家族,都感到丢脸。”
In some cases compulsory habit alone has sufficed to produce inherited mental changes. 在某些情况下,虽只是强制的习惯,已足以产生遗传的心理变迁。
After her death, this portrait came into my keeping for a few days and the likeness was so striking that it has helped me to furnish details for which memory alone might not have sufficed. 在她去世以后,有几天,这幅画在我手里。这幅画画得跟真人一样,它弥补了我记忆力的不足。
Half a dozen sufficed him. 半打就使他满足了。
This is not entirely true, as some humans are gifted in many ways, but genetics is likely to emphasize one skill or the other as this sufficed to get the specimen to live long enough to procreate. 但这不完全正确,因为有些人在很多方面具有天赋,但基因有可能强调某一方面的技能,因为这样足以获得样本,并活到生育子女。
I would have thought a good old-fashioned paper ticket that is punched would have sufficed since the card was used exactly once – at the entrance! 我觉得一张质量良好的传统纸质打孔门票就足够了,因为这张卡就只在入口处用了一次!
These tactics might have sufficed at Fulham, but then Hodgson has often appeared dumbfounded by the level of expectation at Anfield. 这些策略可能足以在富勒姆,但随后往往出现霍奇森所期望的水平在安菲尔德傻眼了。