N-COUNT (20 世纪初英国的)参加争取妇女选举权运动的女子 In the early twentieth century in Britain, a suffragette was a woman who was involved in the campaign for women to have the right to vote.
She was a suffragette and a birth control pioneer. 她参加争取妇女选举权的运动,也是节育倡导者。
Before the first world war, the threat of becoming unsexed was used against the suffragettes, scaring some women into joining the Anti-Suffrage League founded in 1908 by the novelist Mrs Humphry Ward. 第一次世界大战前,变成不男不女的威胁被用来对付妇女参政权论者,吓唬那些加入小说家汉弗莱•沃德女士于1908年成立的反选举权联盟的女性。
But the comparison with the suffragettes misses a vital point: the suffragettes did not have the vote or any right to participate in the political system. All those standing trial in these cases do. 但是,拿妇女参政权论者作比遗漏了一个要点:过去的妇女参政权论者没有投票权或任何参政权,而上述案子中的所有被告都有参政权。
The funniest memory I have of the suffragettes was when I was ordered to follow a certain enterprising young suffragette, whose activities were then earning her some celebrities. 记忆中关于女权运动最有意思是我受命跟踪一个积极工作的年轻女权运动者,她的活动为她赢得了一些名誉。
Con-sols may fall and suffragettes may rise. 证券可以下跌;女权运动可以兴起。
Soon after, so many suffragettes had adopted the same tactics that prison authorities began force-feeding the women. 不久,大量女权主义者都采用这种策略,以至于狱方开始对这些女人强制进食。