Brevity and suggestiveness are the soul of Chinese poetry. 简练含蓄是中国诗的灵魂。
One of hooping's attractions for adult spectators was its suggestiveness on some hips. 成年人所以愿意观看别人玩呼拉圈,是因为有些人屁股的扭动颇富诱惑性。
Principles of beauty in calligraphy include asymmetrical balance, dynamic posture, simplicity and suggestiveness. 书法美的基本原则包括非对称平衡、气势、简明、联想。
It needed but this to complete the grim suggestiveness of the barren waste, the chilling wind, and the darkling sky. 光秃秃的荒地,冷飕飕的寒风和阴暗的天空,再加上这个逃犯,就益发显得恐怖了。
This paper centers around the ingenious application of the artistic skill of "suggestiveness" in the theme, structural form and ending of short stories. 这种运用暗示的手法在小小说的主题、人物对话、结尾、结构形式细节的描写中,都可以巧妙运用,从而作品有深刻的含义和很强的艺术性。
Plant-naming meaning shows sememe group that consists indicative sememes and characteristic sememes, in the exterior of morphology, plant-naming meaning shows morpheme or morpheme group; the lexical characteristics of plant-naming meaning conclude: suggestiveness, materiality, composite. 其内在词义表现方式是指示义素与特征义素合成的义素组,外在词形表现方式是语素或语素组:命名义具有隐含性、具体性和复合性的词义特征。
Main features of provision of attention are suggestiveness, repeatability, identification, ect. 注意规定具有提示性、重复性和标志性等特征。