He turned away in sullen, resentful silence. 他闷闷不乐、心怀怨恨、一言不发地转过身去了。
The offenders lapsed into a sullen silence 那些冒犯者都闷不作声了。
Many of them remained sullen and resentful. 他们中有许多人还是闷闷不乐,怀恨在心。
Sullen and angry, the king of Israel went to his palace in Samaria. 于是以色列王闷闷不乐地回到撒玛利亚,进了他的宫。
The sullen girl refused to answer her mother's questions. 愠怒的女孩拒绝回答她母亲的问题。
In a lot of Aboriginal communities there's an air of sullen hostility. 很多土著社区里的人都有一种愠怒的敌对情绪。
The hills seemed rolled in a sullen mist. The haze of distance improves the view. 山峦好象在阴沉的雾里翻腾。远处的迷雾美化了他们的形象。
I rang again and a maid with a sullen face opened the door. 我又揿了一下门铃,一名侍女紧绷着脸把门开了。
Asked about his past he takes a sip from his beer and throws a sullen stare across the dimly lit front room of his cramped farmhouse. 当问及他的过去时,他浅浅地啜了一口啤酒,郁郁寡欢地盯了一眼他那狭窄昏暗的农舍的前屋。
To look angry, sullen, or threatening. 威胁,阴沉,或生气的样子。
The day wore on and she preserved a sullen silence. 时间消逝着,她保持一种闷闷不乐的沉默。
Because Teddy was a sullen little boy, no one else seemed to enjoy him, either. 正是因为泰迪抑郁的性格,好像也没别的什么人喜欢他。
They stared at him with a blank expression of sullen resentment. 他们面带阴郁而厌恶的表情凝视着他。
He was quiet, but said enough not to seem sullen. 他很安静,话多的刚好让他不会显得阴沉。
He had noticed this before she had left, but he was surprised that she was still so sullen. 在她离开前他就注意到了,但他惊讶的是她依然有点闷闷不乐的。
Soon they became bowed and grey and slow and sullen. 曾几何时,他们就变得弯腰如弓,动作迟缓,终日闷闷不乐了。
She had not come to him today with this feeling of sullen antagonism. 她今天并没有带着这种愠怒的抵触情绪到他这儿来。
Sometimes Albertine's face looks dull and sullen, sometimes glowing and sultry; 有时艾伯丁的脸看起来沉闷不快,有时又容光焕发风骚迷人;
She looked up at the sullen sky and shuddered. 他抬头望见阴沉的天空不禁浑身战栗。
The blue eyes were reddened and sullen with weeping. 一对碧眼哭得发红,没了光辉。
Thereafter, sullen whined the less, at least in scarlett's presence. 从此以后,苏纶就不大哭闹了,至少在思嘉莉特面前要好些。
He grew sullen, and began to swear. 他又不高兴了,开始咒骂起来。
Hao Ran went to school with a sullen face every day. 浩然每天都带着冷冰冰的脸孔到新学校上课。
A young woman, of sullen aspect, was sitting alone on the bench. 一个面色忧郁的年轻女人独自坐在长凳上。
Resentful at the way he was treated; a sullen resentful attitude. 为对待他的方法感到愤慨;沉闷、愤慨的态度。
It is no use for you to look sullen. 你不用做出烦恼的神色。
Heathcliff, dear! you should not be sullen now. 希刺克厉夫,亲爱的!现在你不该沉着脸。
The sullen child refused to answer my questions. 那愠怒的孩子拒绝回答我的问题。
This sullen weather disagrees with me. 遇上这种阴沉的天气我就感到不舒服。
This cut Hurstwood like a whip, and made him sullen. 这话像鞭子一样抽痛了赫斯渥,他不高兴了。