Reasons for Lower Measured Value of Sulfite in Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization System Sulphite pulp: Acid pulp made from wood chips cooked under pressure in a solution of bisulphite of lime. 湿法脱硫浆液中亚硫酸盐测量值偏小的原因分析亚硫酸盐浆:把木片在亚硫酸钙溶液内加压蒸煮而成的酸性浆。
Paper so made is very strong but cannot be bleached as white as sulphite paper. 用它造成的纸,十分结实,但可以漂白的程度,不及亚硫酸盐纸。
Quantitation of Sodium Sulphite in Injection Liquid by Chemiluminescence Method 针剂注射液中亚硫酸钠含量的化学发光测定
By using fused magnesia and sintered spinel as main materials and sulphite liquor as binders, magnesium compound side gate was researched. 以优质电熔镁砂、烧结镁铝尖晶石为主要原料,采用纸浆废液作为结合剂研究镁质复合滑板材料。
Bleached sulphite reed pulp GB/T3148-1982漂白亚硫酸盐苇浆
The Book has lost its jacket. MG pure white sulphite paper 那本书的包皮纸丢了。机制有光正质白鸡皮纸
To introduce the function, safety and determination of sulfur dioxide and sulphite in foods. 介绍二氧化硫及亚硫酸盐在食品中的作用、安全性及检测方法。
Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, other than dissolving grades. 亚硫酸盐木浆,但溶解级的除外。
The application of sulphite in food industry has existed for a long time and showd a prosperous future in our daily life. 亚硫酸盐在食品工业中应用已有很长时间,并且使用日益广泛。
Sulphite pulp: Acid pulp made from wood chips cooked under pressure in a solution of bisulphite of lime. 亚硫酸盐浆:把木片在亚硫酸钙溶液内加压蒸煮而成的酸性浆。
In this paper, the law of inhibiting browning stain of Maillard reaction were studied by experiments of adding sulphite. 本文通过试验添加不同亚硫酸盐研究了美拉德褐变抑制的规律。
Sulphite spirit The product is a sweet dessert-type. 该产品便成为含酒精成分高的甜葡萄酒。
Neutral sulphite semichemical pulp 中性亚硫酸盐半化学浆
The basic principle and characteristics of determination sulphite in foods was introduced. A universal method was recommended. 介绍了食品中亚硫酸盐检测方法基本原理和优缺点,结合实际工作经验,推荐普遍适用的检测方法。
Conclusion; Content of sulphite in dried fruits and apricot meat are sold in Lanzhou market badly exceed the State standard, especially the products of apricot meat. 结论:兰州市场销售的干果和杏肉制品中亚硫酸盐的含量超标严重,特别是杏肉制品。
Rising Artist Bristol Board is a fine quality, acid-free sulphite bristol for a variety of uses. It's available in two finishes& Vellum and Plate. 这是一个优良品质,无酸,亚硫酸盐板纸,多用途。两种面,滑面和仿羊皮纸面。
The method of using adsorbent resin to enrich vanillin in the oxidative liquors of acidic sulphite pulping was studied. 研究了用树脂吸附分离法在酸法制浆氧化废液中富集香兰素。
The determination method for sulphite in foods 食品中亚硫酸盐的测定方法
Effects of Ascorbic Acid and Sodium Sulphite on the Chemical Composition and Colour of Green Tea After Storage 抗坏血酸和亚硫酸钠对绿茶贮藏后化学成分和色泽的影响
The extraction of silver from lead& rich chlorination residue using sodium sulphite 用亚硫酸钠从高铅氯化渣中提银
Studies on the Effect of the Rice Straw Treated with Ammonium Sulphite and Urea 亚硫酸铵与尿素处理稻草的效果研究
It is shown that the chlorination of ammonium sulphite solution can be divided into three stages. 对亚铵溶液吸收氯气进行的研究表明:氯化过程可分为三个阶段。
The solution effect of sulphite in the process of developer fog formation was Investigated by electron microscopy. 本文用电子显微镜方法研究了亚硫酸钠溶解作用对显影灰雾形成过程的影响。
Glycerine fermentation was carried out by saccharification with enzyme and induction with sulphite. 以啤酒生产中的副产物酒糟为原料,经酶法糖化,再经亚硫酸盐诱导进行甘油发酵。
Study of pulp wastewater treatment with ammonium sulphite 亚铵法制浆废水处理技术研究
Study on inhibiting maillard reaction in sugar juice by sulphite 亚硫酸盐抑制糖汁美拉德反应的研究
The effect of pH on the observed rate of sulphite oxidation was weak. pH对氧化速率的影响是弱的。
The KClO_3 is used as oxidant to pretreat silver concentrate, the effecting factors such as muriatic acid concentration, KClO_3 adding amount, the sodium sulphite concentration and the time on silver leaching rate are discussed. 利用KClO3作氧化剂,对银精矿进行氧化预处理,考察了盐酸浓度、氧化剂加入量、亚硫酸钠浓度和浸出时间对银浸出率的影响。
Presented in this paper are the effects of temperature on the curves of the potential and on coloring time alkaline coloring process for stainless steel. Also discussed are the effects of sulphite sodium on the coloring process. 着重介绍了不同温度时碱性着色过程中不锈钢电势与着色时间的关系,并讨论了温度和添加剂亚硫酸钠对碱性着色过程的影响。