Sumac trees have economic, birch, linden trees, such as EVA parker. 经济林木有漆树、桦树、椴树、桦柏等。
When the cows were all inside and Raymond and his father had shut the stable doors, we walked, stillbent, through the sumac and, once out of sight, climbed down to the road. 母牛都进了马房以后,雷蒙德和他的父亲关上了马房的门。我们弯着腰穿过漆树林,一离开他父亲的视力,便走上大路。
Physicochemical indexes and refining process of sumac wax 漆树蜡的理化指标分析及精炼工艺的初步研究
Sumac Wax, also called urushi wax in Japan, is extracted from the fruit peel of Sumac Verniciflua Stokes. 漆树蜡,在日本也称作漆蜡,是从漆树的果皮中榨出来的。
A yellow wax obtained from sumac berries; used in polishes. 取自漆树浆果的黄色的蜡,用于上光剂中。
The correlation between the diameter of the front lateral root of Staghorn sumac and its basal diameter, crown width and height is more significant than that of the back part of the lateral root. 火炬树子株前端水平侧根直径与其地径、冠幅、树高的相关性高于后端水平侧根直径;
Technology on Planting Staghorn Sumac Directly Without Covering Soil in the Zones of Tailings 尾矿库不覆土直接种植火炬树技术
Studies on the primary biological characteristic, and their predication of four species of the sumac gall-aphids on Rhus chinensis 盐肤木上四种倍蚜主要生物学特性和预测的研究
According to the conditions of difficult multiple cultivation at tailings, Zhaoyuan City plants Staghorn Sumac at tailings under the conditions of no covering soil and has gained achievements and accumulated a completed and systematic cultivation technology and management experience. 针对尾矿库复垦难的状况,招远市在尾矿库不覆土的条件下种植火炬树取得了成功,积累了一套系统的栽培技术和管理经验。
Dispersal of staghorn sumac in Beijing areas The Trees 北京地区火炬树的萌蘖繁殖扩散
Chu Dynasty paid more attention to the planting of sumac in Eastern Zhou Period. The excellent protection methods of Chu tombs made the furniture sound and preserved till now, which also provided precious information to research. 东周时期楚国注重对漆树的栽培,楚墓优良的防护措施使得楚式漆木家具能够较多且较完整的保存至今,为今日对这一时期家具的研究提供了宝贵的实物资料。
Staghorn sumac community could not develop to the climax stage. 可见,演替后期的火炬树单优种群落不能发展成为一个稳定的顶级群落。
As an important industrial chemical, seed oil of sumac can also be used for producing bio-diesel. 作为重要的化工原料漆籽油还可用于制备生物柴油。