During the last recession, migration to the sunbelt accelerated. 在上个经济萧条期,人们向美国南部阳光地带移民的速度加快了。
In areas hit hardest, especially cities in Sunbelt states, foreclosed homes often sell at half the price. 在住房市场遭受重创的地区,尤其是在美国南部和西南诸州,止赎房屋通常都是按照半价出售。
She is also a manager at Coastal Sunbelt. 她还是阳光海岸地带公司的经理。
Many Burmese refugees work at Coastal Sunbelt Produce, a supplier of fruits and vegetables to restaurants and other businesses. 许多缅甸难民在海洋阳光地带农产品公司(CoastalSunbeltProduce)工作,这是一家面向餐馆和其它公司的水果蔬菜供应商。
The financial crisis made things worse, particularly in the once-booming sunbelt. 金融危机使境况恶化特别是在曾一度繁荣的阳光地带。
In the Sunbelt states competition for land and water will intensify. 在阳光充足地带的一些州,对土地和水的争夺会很激烈。