I agree with the notion that there is less of a use for Mocking Blow in the toolbox these days where tanks generally maintain enough threat, at least relative to the "Wait for five Sunders" days. 我很同意认为惩戒痛击在当今坦克普遍可以维持足够仇恨的情况下用处变小了的观点,至少相对于以前的“等待五破”的时期而言仇恨提升了。
Sunder armor is the same amount of hate per application, regardless of how many sunders are already on. The same is true for demoralizing shout and thunderclap. 每次破甲产生的仇恨完全一致,无论已经打上了几次。挫锐怒叫和雷霆一击也是如此。