Most astronomy texts credit Galileo with discovering sunspots. 大多数天文学教科书都认为太阳黑子的发现是伽利略的功劳。
Scientists have known for a long time that the sun has an 11-year cycle during which radiation measured by sunspots on the surface reaches a peak then falls. 早前研究发现,太阳的活动周期为11年,在此期间,以太阳表面黑子为衡量标准的太阳辐射达到峰年和谷年。
Some of the images show never-before-seen detail of material streaming outward and away from sunspots. 一些照片暴露了以前我们从来没看到过的太阳上面的细节图片,比如远离或处于太阳黑子外部的物质流。
Solar output goes through 11-year cycles, with high numbers of sunspots seen at their peak. 太阳辐射输出完成了十一年的周期,高峰期出现大量的太阳黑子。
When sunspots release their electrical energy, they shoot beams of negatively charged electrons into space, some of which escape into the earth's atmosphere. 当太阳黑子释放其电能时,它们带有负电荷的电子束射入太空,其中有一部进入地球的大气层。
We believe that sunspots and many other solar activities are due to this differential rotation. 我们相信太阳黑子和不少太阳的活动,皆是由较差自转所造成的。
Galileo was the first person to see mountains on the moon and sunspots on the sun. 伽里略是看到月球上山脉和太阳黑子的第一人。
Then, how can we know that sunspots are stable nuclear fusion reactors? 那么,我们怎么知道太阳黑子是稳定的核聚变反应堆呢?
( astronomy; of the sun) characterized by a high level activity in sunspots and flares and radio emissions. (天文学;指太阳)以太阳黑子、耀斑和辐射的高等级活动为特点。
In principle, prices can jump suddenly and randomly from one equilibrium to another as if driven by sunspots. 原则上,价格能够突然且随意跃升,从一种均衡状态转到另一种均衡状态,就好像受到了太阳黑子的驱动。
These sunspots represent relatively cool areas, whose temperature is about 400 c. 出现太阳黑子的地方是温度较低的区域,其温度为400℃。
They are comparable to the size of the earth and usually, sunspots appear in groups. 它们的大小足以和地球匹敌,很多时黑子是整群出现的。
Explosions of the sunspots result in stronger ultraviolet radiation. 太阳黑子的爆炸性增强了紫外线的辐射。
The small museum in the refracting telescope to observe the help of sunspots, moon craters, the great red spot Jupiter, Saturn's rings, and other interesting phenomenon of stars. 在馆内小天文台借助折射望远镜能观察太阳黑子、月球环形山、木星大红斑、土星光环等有趣的星体现象。
Approximately every 11 years the number of visible sunspots reaches a maximum. 大约每11年,可看到的太阳黑子数目达到一个峰值。
A sudden eruption of hydrogen gas from the sun's surface; associated with sunspots and radio interference. 太阳表面氢气的突然爆发;经常和太阳黑子有关并导致无线电波干扰。
Old magnetic fields swept up then should re-appear as big sunspots in2010-2011. 老磁场席卷就应该重新在2010-2011年出现的大黑子。
This photo shows the sun in visible light with a few sunspots. 下图显示了在可见光波段下的太阳,日面上有不少黑子。
For the last few years, the sun has been in a relatively quiet phase: there have been few sunspots, which are the markers of a powerful sun. 过去的几年里,太阳活动相对处于不活跃时期:太阳黑子很少见,而太阳黑子是太阳活跃的一个标志。
The11-year solar cycle, which governs the appearance of sunspots, also changes the sun's magnetic field. 太阳黑子的出现周期是每11年一次,这个周期性活动同时改变太阳的磁场。
Sunspots are regions of lower-than-average temperatures that are associated with intense magnetic activity. 太阳黑子是地区低于平均气温的相关激烈磁性活动。
They make a big deal about small clusters, small sunspots, as though it's some kind of crazy or unusual thing. 他们做了了不起的事(反讽),关于小簇集、小的太阳黑子,尽管这有点疯狂或不寻常。
They base this belief upon the known effects that sunspots produce, and upon one astronomer's uncontested showing that sunspots are whirlwinds of electrified matter that burst out in pairs from the sun's interior. 他们的这种观点是以已知的太阳黑子所产生的影响为基础的。同时科学家也毫无异议的证明太阳黑子的是从太阳内部爆发出来的成双成队的电化物质的旋风。
This produces sunspots, darker magnetized regions of relatively cooler gases. 这就产生了太阳黑子&温度相对较低的大气形成的颜色较深的磁化区域。
This is the reason for the lack of sunspots during this solar cycle. 这就是为什么在这个太阳周期里会缺乏太阳黑子的活动。
An absence of sunspots also means an absence of solar flares and their more violent siblings, coronal mass ejections. 黑子的缺失还预示着太阳耀斑的缺席,同时,猛烈的日冕喷发也不会出现。
Last year the number of sunspots dropped to a level not seen since the beginning of the20th century. 去年太阳黑子出现的数目降至自20世纪初以来的最低点。
To follow these movements of sunspots is worthwhile for every solar observer. 任何一个太阳观测者值得花时间和精力去跟踪观测太阳黑子的这种移动。
In summary there are the following possibilities for the observation of sunspots. 总而言之,对太阳黑子的观测存在着下列可能性。
If we plot the positions of the sunspots against the time, we have the famous butterfly diagram. 假若我们以图显示黑子位置与时间的关系,便会得出著名的蝴蝶图。