I was suffering from acute sunstroke, starvation and exhaustion. 我严重中暑,又饿又累。
One who works under the hot sun is liable to sunstroke. 在炎热的阳光底下工作很容易引起中暑。
Conversations were concerning sunstroke; while butter-making, and still more butterkeeping, was a despair. 他们在一块儿谈话的内容总是与中暑有关;而做黄油,尤其是保存黄油都是没有办法做到的事了。
Symptoms of sunstroke: Headache, muscle cramps, fatigue, dizziness, hot dry skin, flushed skin, high body temperature, lack of sweating, rapid pulse, rapid breathing, seizures, loss of consciousness. 中暑症状:头痛、肌肉痉挛、疲劳乏力、头晕目眩、皮肤干热发红、体温升高、汗液减少、脉搏呼吸加快、抽搐、丧失意识。
They would lie in the sun for hours on sun loungers and by the end of the day some of them would look like the colour of lobsters ( bright red) or worse still, suffer from sunstroke. 他们好几小时都躺在躺椅上晒太阳。一天下来,有些人看起来就像大龙虾那么红彤彤的。更糟的情况是,晒得中暑了。
Sunstroke, mainly the result of body being exposed to a high temperature for too long a time, can be described as a condition in which the body's ability to regulate heat fails. 中暑主要是指由于长时间暴露在高温环境下,致使机体无法调节体温热量而引起身体不适的情况。
In sunstroke, the body does not only lose fluids, but salts as well. 中暑后身体不仅缺水,而且缺盐。
I suddenly felt dizzy. I must have suffered sunstroke. 我突然感到头晕眼花,可能是中暑了。
I kept standing under a burning sun for a long while, till I had sunstroke. 我总是站在炽热的太阳底下一晒就是很长时间,终于得了日射病。
Lally was sure that we would get sunstroke while we were fishing. 拉莱确信我们在钓鱼时会中暑。
Sunstroke, or heatstroke, is an illness caused by prolonged exposure to very hot temperatures. 中暑是一种因长时间暴露于高温下而产生的症状。
Wang offered summer cooling items to Edunburgh's front line workers, and told them pay attention to sunstroke prevention. 最后,王书记向爱登堡一线员工赠送防暑降温物品,并嘱咐企业在炎热夏日工作中应做好降暑降温等工作。
The item includes Foot Massage, Body Massage, Cupping, Treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient's neck, chest or back, Pedicure, Ear Treatment etc. 服务内容包括足疗、推拿、按摩、拨火罐、刮痧、修脚、采耳等。
Someone who is suffering from sunstroke feels dizzy and has a high temperature, but does not sweat. 中暑的人会头晕,发高烧,但并不出汗。
Mother was afraid we would get sunstroke while fishing on such a hot day. 母亲担心我们这么热的天钓鱼会中暑。
She was treated for sunstroke. 她因中暑接受治疗。
Air condition has to be installed in all of operation room and crush-room, and drink of sunstroke prevention should be supplied in summer, to prevent sweltering of operators. 在高温季节应注意防暑降温,内操人员的操作室、外操人员的休息室设有空调设备,厂内夏季应供给降温饮料,可以预防中暑的发生。
Conversations were concerning sunstroke. The freshmen always seem like vegetables. 谈起话来,总离不了中暑。新生看起来总像植物人。
He didn't feel quite right; maybe he got sunstroke. 他感觉不太舒服;也许是有点中暑。
One of the guests was treated for sunstroke. 一个客人因为中暑而接受了治疗。
The state's coastal belt is bearing the brunt as high humidity level in the atmosphere, coupled with soaring day temperature, is leading to cases of sunstroke, the report said. 记者报道,该政府沿海一带忍受空气中的高湿度加上高温的冲击,从而导致了日射病的发生。
Heatstroke: debility caused by exposure to heat and humidity, usually for many hours, called sunstroke when caused by direct sunlight. 中暑:因曝露在湿热环境下而引起的身体虚脱现象,直接受日晒引起的中暑称为日射病。
A watermelon is a good fruit for relieving heat and sunstroke. 西瓜&消暑解热之良果。