Not compared with the developed world super-bubble, or which cannot be dealt with through appropriate domestic policies. 与发达世界的超级泡沫,或无法通过适当的国内政策解决的泡沫相比,情况并非如此。
The US and Europe remain a huge super-bubble. 美国和欧洲仍存在巨大的超级泡沫。
Ultimately, that super-bubble was unsustainable, hence the credit crunch of 2007 and the recession and financial crisis of 2008 and beyond. 最终,超级泡沫无法再持续下去了,于是就出现了2007年的信贷危机、2008年的经济衰退和金融危机等等。
It should be emphasized that this interpretation of the current situation on the bursting of the super-bubble does not necessarily follow from my theory of reflexivity. 必须强调的是并非一定要按照我的反射理论来分析解释这个超级泡沫破灭的现状。
I believe that my analysis of the super-bubble offers clues to the reform that is needed. 我认为,自己对于这个超级泡沫的分析,会为需进行的改革提供一些线索。