Based on the water network super-structure model, a new water network model with operational flexibility was developed to deal with the above-mentioned operations. 以水网络超结构模型为基础,建立了经一些约束条件简化的,具有操作柔性的新型水网络模型。
The property of above new isolation device is excellent, the seismic response of the super-structure is significantly reduced, and the fully re-centring capacity after earthquake is obtained. 这种新型隔震装置的性能优良,既可以大大减轻地震对上部结构的影响,同时也具有很好的震后自复位功能。
4, Establishing 3-D finite element model of the bilateral maxillary defect to investigate the stresses distribution in support tissues with different super-structure. 建立双侧上领骨缺失后应用颧骨种植体修复以及种植体一杆式附着体、种植体一环形支架修复的三维有限元模型,在此基础上对其应力分布情况进行分析研究。
The analysis of force of slab super-structure under high temperature 高温环境下超静定结构的受力分析
Novel En-de-Coder Scheme Based on Super-structure Optical Fiber Gratings for OCDMA System 基于超结构光纤光栅的新型OCDMA编解码方案
This paper takes into consideration the factual interaction between the super-structure and foundation of building, and emphasis is laid on the redistribution of inner structural stress thus caused, i. e. secondary stress. 本文考虑到上部结构与地基基础共同作用的事实,着重分析上部结构参与共同作用导致的内力重分布&次生应力问题。
The paper simplifies the baseplate soil to a spring-mass model, of which thc horizontal and rotary stiffness of the spring is equal to an elastic member having a definite bending stiffness, of which joins together with the super-structure forms a simplified muti-mass system of string member. 本文将基底土壤简化为弹簧&质量模型,其水平及转动的弹簧刚度可等效为具有一定弯曲刚度的弹性杆,与上部结枸共同组成一简化的多质点杆件串联的相互作用体系。
Calculation of Contact Pressure and Foundation Forces Considering the Interaction of Super-structure, Foundation and Soil 考虑上部结构、基础和土的共同工作计算基底反力和基础内力
Study of Super-structure of Eukaryotic Chromosomes I.The Super-structure of Metaphase Chromosomes in Pigs 真核生物染色体超级结构研究&Ⅰ.家猪中期染色体超级结构研究
The components of the acceleration response at the top of superstructure are based on the relative magnitude of rocking stiffness, swing stiffness of foundation and the stiffness of the super-structure. 结构顶层加速度反应组成取决于基础转动刚度、平动刚度和上部结构刚度的相对大小。
With the assumption of foundation settlement amount and soil stiffness, the restrict stiffness to super-structure affords by foundation can be calculated, by optimizing the settlement of foundation and soil stiffness, the model updating achieved very good results. 文中采用假定基础沉降量和地基土刚度的方法计算出基础对上部结构的约束刚度,通过优化基础沉降量和地基土刚度,使模型修正取得了很好的效果。