My presence at the afternoon's proceedings was superfluous 我去参加下午的活动是多此一举。
I rid myself of many superfluous belongings and habits that bothered me. 我把很多无用的物品都丢掉了,并且改掉了一些让我烦心的习惯。
It would be superfluous to dwell on the matter any more. 不待赘言。
What I said may seem superfluous, but I do hope you'll give it a little more thought. 我说的也可能是废话,不过还是请你再考虑考虑。
He didn't know how to blow off his superfluous energy. 他不知如何发泄过剩的精力。
If you cannot find a concrete answer to this question, chances are high that the artifact is superfluous. 如果您不能找到此问题的具体答案,那么有很大可能性此工件是多余的。
Superfluous namespace declarations are removed from each element. 删除各元素中多余的名称空间声明。
All this talk is superfluous. 所有这些话都是多余的。
Indeed one of Whitehead's words is superfluous, since generality, in this sense, is abstractness. 确实怀特黑德的话中有个词是多余的,既然有了“普遍性”,就无需说“抽象的”。
It is superfluous to comment on such charges. 对这种指控作出评论是多余的。
I had not been using maps at all, they were superfluous with Eddie around. 我压根儿没用过地图,有埃迪在一旁,地图就纯属多余的了。
( of plants or trees) shaped by having superfluous branches or shoots trimmed back or cut off. (植物和树)把分枝或芽作为多余的东西被剪掉或切断的。
A man's condition again good, he had no time to accompany you, is superfluous. 一个男人的条件再好,他没有时间陪你,也是多余的。
And the overproduction that contacts with this photograph is sex of a kind of relatively superfluous, structure superfluous. 而与此相联系的生产过剩是一种相对过剩、结构性过剩。
It seems almost superfluous to say how grateful I am to you. 说我对你多么感激似乎是多余的。
Some people are highly organized, love folders, and desktop search might be completely superfluous to them. 而有些人,组织能力特别好,钟情于文件夹,那么桌面搜索也许对他们完全是多余的。
Superfluous information; driving licence or school grades. 多馀的资讯,例如驾驶证和学校等级。
After that I give no explanation will be "superfluous explanation". 从此之后我给的任何解释都将是《多余的解释》。
She crossed out all the superfluous words and phrases in the draft. 她把草稿中不必要的词句都杠掉了。
Feeling tired to take one more step is superfluous. 累到感觉多走一步都是多余的。
A metaphor for doing something superfluous, but things broke. 比喻做了多余的事,反而把事情弄坏。
They are all superfluous and artificial. 他们全都是浅薄和做作的。
We have enough food for the picnic; any more food would be superfluous. 我们已经为野餐准备了足够的食物,再多的食物将会是多余的。
In2010, it is suddenly superfluous, or so we like to pretend. 然而到了2010年,它突然成了多余的东西,或者说被我们看作是一个累赘。
However, at that point, the var keyword is almost superfluous. 然而,在这种情况下var几乎显得是多余了。
But sculpting was so time-consuming, and in a way superfluous, that he ceased doing it. 但是雕刻是如此花时间,且时间都花在多余的细节上,所以他不再那么做了。
This would be superfluous at best, and perhaps disastrous. 这种做法往好处说是多余,甚至可能是灾难性的。
It is because of these two superfluous things that China has become a colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal country. 由于多了这两件东西,所以中国就变成了殖民地半殖民地半封建的国家。
I realized my presence had become superfluous. 我认识到我的在场是多余的。
Characterized by extreme economy of expression or omission of superfluous elements. 以对多余成分的极度经济的表达或者省略为特点。