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  1. R emerged as a Free Software superset of S/ S-frPLUS in1997 and has had a thriving user and developer community since then.
  2. By the same token, the enterprise architecture discipline is more than a superset of solution architecture domains.
  3. MVEL is a superset of the typical JSP/ JSF expression language.
  4. For service design, the target is the canonical message model representing the superset of data structures that are exposed by all services created in the SOA project.
  5. In other words, if the set of possible values of the new type is a superset of that of the old type, then you have expanded the type.
  6. Quite simply, when performing an installation, the installation image has to be a superset of all the possible features that could be installed by any user or any response file.
  7. It provides a superset of Java features, but in a slightly different syntax.
  8. The primary key and any unique index of the table must be a superset of the associated partitioning key.
  9. It also provides a superset of ANSI-C operators that can be used to manipulate the data objects.
  10. It is the superset of all the products discussed in this article, and therefore has the capability to do all of the previously mentioned functions.
  11. And because DB2 trigger functionality provides a superset of what is available in MySQL, you can easily recreate triggers.
  12. In a multi-partition database partition group, you can only create a unique index if it is a superset of the partitioning key.
  13. MultiTail is a utility that provides a superset of the basic functionality of the tail command, enabling you to monitor multiple files at the same time within the same terminal application.
  14. A superset of business attributes, including descriptions of their meaning ( semantics), standardized formatting ( syntax), and universal constraints.
  15. The platform has been likened to a meta language or language superset.
  16. Understand, first, that Expect is a proper superset of the Tcl/ Tk programming language.
  17. Since C++ is a mostly compatible superset of C, it has the same problems.
  18. The connector contains a superset of features found in the legacy DataStage connectivity components and offers improved function and performance.
  19. JSR-347 is defined as a superset of JSR-107 ( it has a dependency on JSR-107) that adds additional Data Grid features.
  20. Eclipse RCP allows for the modularization of classes and resources into jar files called plugins which are a superset of OSGi bundles.
  21. Definition: A set S1 is a superset of another set S2 if every element in S2 is in S1.S1 may have elements which are not in S2.
  22. Although Groovy is not strictly speaking a100% superset of Java, the Groovy syntax comes closer to the Java syntax after each release, and more and more Java code is also valid Groovy.
  23. The run-time character set depends on the I/ O devices connected to the program but is generally a superset of ASCII.
  24. A virtual cube is a superset of selected cubes in your database. Virtual cubes are similar to views in a relational database.
  25. It will provide a superset of the functionality of the current framework and is generally described here.
  26. HANA is built on a superset of technologies with a long history at SAP, including the MaxDB database and TREX in-memory engine.
  27. This table represents a superset of all parameters for all types of supported binding.
  28. The SCA import/ export mechanism is therefore a superset of OSGi import/ export feature.
  29. It is superset of the word computational theory, rough sets theory, quotient space theory and interval computing.
  30. This article sums up the design method of object oriented programming from the programming practice of communication software and discusses that, the Object Oriented programming Language C++ is a superset of C language.