Present Situation Analysis of the Superstandard Fluoride Content in Domestic Water in Urban and Rural Area of Cangzhou 沧州城乡生活用水氟含量超标现状分析
Analysis of Superstandard SO_2 and H_2S Content in Circuit Breaker 断路器内部SO2和H2S含量超标问题的分析
The largest harm type of work was cleanout type of work, the toxicant superstandard rate reaches 18.84%. 危害程度最大的工种为清洗工种,有毒物质超标率高达18.84%;
The probe on formaldehyde superstandard problem in man-made wood board be used in indoor decoration 建筑室内装修用人造木板甲醛超标的探讨
Cause Analysis and Treatment of the Superstandard Dissolved Oxygen in the Feed Water of the Direct Air-cooled Unit 直接空冷机组给水溶氧超标的原因分析及处理
The Causes of Superstandard of Glycerin Saponification Equivalent and Some Countermeasures 甘油皂化当量超标原因及预防措施
Inquiries into causes of bacteria superstandard and sediment in the production of mineral water 对矿泉水生产中细菌超标和沉淀原因的探讨
Analysis of Superstandard Heterosis in Major Characters of Spring Hybrid Wheat 春性杂交小麦主要性状超标优势分析
Reasons for Superstandard on Dissolved Oxygen in Condensation Water of 300 MW Unit and its Improvement 300MW机组凝结水溶解氧超标原因分析及改进
The harm level rank of toy trade was the highest, and total superstandard rate of toxicant is 33.33%. 玩具行业为危害程度级别最高的行业,有毒物质总超标率为33.33%。
The overhauled Steam Turbo unit 1 of Huaneng Shantou Power Plant incurred superstandard vibration during start up and operational periods. 华能汕头发电厂1号蒸汽轮机组在大修后启动及运行过程中发生了大轴振动大的故障。
Analytical results showed that the superstandard rate of Cu was more lower than that of Pb, heavy metal contamination of tea samples during processing and packaging was serious, the contamination of normal teas was more se-rious than organic teas. 结果显示,样品中铜的超标率远远低于铅的超标率,样品在生产、包装过程中重金属污染较为严重,其中常规茶样品在生产加工、包装过程中的污染情况较有机茶更为严重。
Although the concentrations of CH_4 and bacteria were superstandard the other indexes were not. 除CH4和细菌总数超标外,其余各项未超标。
The disease that dues to superstandard rate of fluorine in drinking water sources from prevalent areas is called drinking water-born Endemic Skeletal Fluorosis, which is the research aim of our institute. 由流行区域的饮用水源含氟量超标导致的,称为饮水型地方性氟骨症,此型氟骨症是本课题的研究目标。