N-COUNT (书籍的)补编,补遗,附录 A supplement to a book is an additional section, written some time after the main text and published either at the end of the book or separately.
...the supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica. 《不列颠百科全书》附录
N-COUNT 额外费用;附加费 A supplement is an extra amount of money that you pay in order to obtain special facilities or services, for example when you are travelling or staying at a hotel.
If you are travelling alone, the single room supplement is £11 a night. 如果是一个人旅行,住单间每晚要多交 11 英镑。
N-COUNT 补助;补贴 A supplement is an extra amount of money that is paid to someone, in addition to their normal pension or income.
Some people may be entitled to a housing benefit supplement. 有些人可能有资格拿到住房补贴。
...people who need a supplement to their basic pension. 除了基本养老金外还需要额外补贴的人
Chromium supplements were used successfully in the treatment of diabetes ( see Chapter 4) 铬补充剂被成功运用于治疗糖尿病(见第4章)。
As mentioned earlier, the University supplements this information with an interview 如前所述,大学将通过面试对这一信息进行补充。
Consider supplements over and above this healthy diet. 除了这种健康饮食之外,还应考虑各种补养品。
I took regular supplements and exercised every day. 我每天都按时吃营养片并坚持锻炼。
Healthy people do not need vitamin supplements. 健康的人不需要额外补充维生素。
Which vitamin supplements are good value? 哪种维生素补充片好?
He supplements his regular meals by eating between meals. 他在两餐之间吃点东西来补充正餐。
Through this article you will be provided with some essential information about the use of dietary supplements during pregnancy. 这篇文章为你提供一些在怀孕期间有关营养补充剂使用的必备的信息。
So folic acid supplements are commonly recommended for pregnant women. 因此,我们强烈建议孕妇服用叶酸补充剂。
Also taking vitamins and supplements is overall good for your body, skin, and hair. 此外,还要补充适量的维生素,这对你的身体健康、皮肤和头发都有好处。
This includes over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. 这些包括非处方药物、维生素和草本补充用药。
Pycnogenol? Is one of the best-researched food supplements and it has passed extensive safety tests. 碧萝芷?是一种经过深入研究的天然营养补充剂,并且通过了广泛的安全测试。
You can also take calcium supplements if you think you may not be getting enough from your diet. 你也可以吃一些补钙制品,如果你认为可能无法从食物中获得足够的钙。
How foods and dietary supplements affect your risk factors, recovery, and treatments. 食物和饮食的补充将如何影响你的危险因素,你的恢复和治疗。
This volume is one of a series of Monograph Supplements to the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. 此卷是一种专论补编系列之一的刑法和犯罪学杂志。
It also helps guarantee the supplements you're purchasing are the freshest, safest and highest-quality supplements available. 它也有助于保证补充您购买的是新鲜的,安全的和最高质量的补充使用。
Some people need to take vitamin and mineral supplements. 有些人需要补充维生素和矿物质。
For this reason, purified fish oil supplements are often the safest source of EPA and DHA. 如果是这个理由的话,经过纯化后的鱼油补充品反而是EPA和DHA最安全的来源。
Why would vitamin and mineral supplements be any different? 为什麽维生素与矿物质补充品要有任何的不同呢?
That includes everything from vitamins and supplements to healthy snacks. 这包括来自于维生素的全部和健康零食的补充。
The study evaluated the blood arsenic levels of200 subjects before and after taking a12-week course of folic acid supplements. 该研究评估了200个实验参与者在服用了12周的叶酸补充剂之前和之后的血液砷浓度。叶酸是一种见于绿叶蔬菜、豆类和全麦中的B族维生素。
We feel compelled to add vitamins and supplements to food to eradicate disease and boost nutrition. 为了消除疾病增强营养,我们甚至被迫在食物中添加了各种维生素和添加剂。
Plan on taking vitamin and mineral supplements for life. 日常需服用大量维生素和矿质作为补充。
Supplements and implants are another fast-growing branch of nanotechnology. 补充和移植是纳米技术的另一个快速发展的分支。
During pregnancy some of the women received supplements containing iron and another micronutrient, folic acid. 这其中的一些妇女,在怀孕期间使用含有铁、其它微量营养素和叶酸的补剂。
Appropriate use of vitamin and mineral supplements. 适当使用维生素和矿物质补充物。
I haven't tried a lot of DHA supplements for my children. 我没有给我的孩子尝试过很多种的DHA。
Iron, lysine and vitamin C supplements are recommended. 建议在饮食中补充适量的铁质,赖氨酸和维生素C。
All of the women also took calcium and vitamin D supplements. 这些妇女同时也全部服用钙剂和维生素D。
In poor countries, however, providing all pregnant women with iron supplements can be a financial issue. 但是,在贫穷国家,给所有孕妇提供铁质补充剂可能会是一个财政问题。