Plastic changes in nociceptive transmission may occur at the spinal cord as well as supraspinal structures after tail amputation. The diabetic neuropathy is one of the most common complications of the diabetes, and impairs the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. 这种长期性的变化可能是由于中枢神经系统的神经可塑性变化引起的(从脊髓背角到皮层)。糖尿病性神经病变是糖尿病的常见慢性并发症之一,可引起神经系统结构和功能的改变。
With the pretreatment function of finite element software Ansys the structure of lamina terminalis intervertebral discs nucleus pulposus anterior longitudinal ligament posterior longitudinal ligament ligamenta flava interspinal ligaments supraspinal ligament were established supplementarily based on the osseous structure of spinal model. 利用有限元软件Ansys的前处理功能,在脊柱模型骨性结构的基础上,补充建立终板、椎间盘、髓核、前纵韧带、后纵韧带、黄韧带、棘间韧带、棘上韧带等结构。
We concluded that the posterior column structures, especially the supraspinal ligaments and interspinal ligaments, would play an important role in maintaining the stability of the spine. 从结果分析可以认为后柱结构、特别是棘上韧带和棘间韧带对维持脊柱稳定,防止胸腰椎过度屈曲起重要作用。
CONCLUSION The adaptive expression of muscarinic receptors at spinal and supraspinal levels play important role in mediating morphine dependence and withdrawal in rats. 结论脊髓M受体适应性改变是吗啡戒断症状表达的生物学基础。
CONCLUSION: Activating the spinal D2 receptor or blocking the supraspinal D2 receptor produces antinociception. 结论:激动脊髓D2受体或阻滞脊髓以上水平D2受体均产生镇痛效应;
The groovy decompression at supraspinal ligament remained with hemi-circle was underwent when paralysis or large bone protruding into vertebral canal to depress the epidural sac or narrowed more than 30% with CT detection. 调整螺栓撑开角度。有全瘫者或CT示有大的骨块突入椎管压迫硬膜囊见椎管变窄大于30%者采用保留棘上韧带半环槽式开窗减压。
Substantial evidences have indicated that spinal OFQ produced analgesia and potentiated morphine analgesia but supraspinal OFQ induced hyperalgesia and antagonized morphine analgesia. 大量研究表明脑内OFQ致痛敏并对抗吗啡镇痛,而脊髓OFQ产生镇痛作用并能加强吗啡镇痛。
In pain modulation, the role of supraspinal OFQ and spinal OFQ is different. 在痛觉调制中,脑内OFQ与脊髓OFQ的作用不同。
There were 13 athletes with supraspinal ligament injury, 13 ones with lumbar fasciitis, 3 ones with prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc, 2 ones with lumbar 3 medial syndrom, 1 with lumbar disturbance of joint. 棘上韧带损伤和腰肌筋膜炎分别为13例,腰椎间盘突出症3例,腰3横突综合征2例,腰椎小关节紊乱症1例。
The action of supraspinal cardiovascular sympathetic centre might also take part in the process, but its exact mechanism remains to be studied further. 脊髓以上水平的心血管交感中枢也可能参与此过程,但其确切机制有待于进一步研究。
This article introduced the method designed by the author that conserved spinous process, supraspinal, interspinal ligament and vertebral canal ring, enlarged decompression in some segments for 22 patients of lumbar spinal canal stenosis. 本文介绍了自行设计保留棘突韧带结构,节段性扩大减压术治疗腰椎管狭窄症22例。
Conclusion: Both spinal and supraspinal neuronal Phosphoinositide 3-kinase ( PI3K) pathway played important role in morphine dependent and naloxone-precipitated withdrawal response in mice. 结论:脊髓和脊髓上中枢神经元PI-3K信号通路均参与吗啡依赖的形成及戒断反应的表达。
The analgesia due to 2 V EA at the same segment acupoint may be mainly produced by gate control in spinal cord, but also to some extend by supraspinal cord mechanism. 而2V电针近节段穴位的镇痛作用可能主要是通过脊髓镇痛机制实现的,但也有脊髓上镇痛机制参与。
The Observation on the Curative Effect of Treating Strain of Supraspinal Ligament by Moxibustion in Wood Box 木盒艾条灸治疗棘上韧带劳损疗效观察
Objective To assess the effect of treatment of thoraco-lumbar blow-out fracture with AF screw fixation at arch root and discuss characteristics of groovy decompression at supraspinal ligament remained with hemi-circle. 目的评价AF椎弓根螺钉内固定系统治疗胸腰椎骨折的效果,探讨保留棘上韧带半环槽式减压符合生物力学和解剖学特性。
The effect of nociception on expression of NADPH-d and Fos protein at supraspinal level 疼痛刺激对大鼠脊髓上水平神经元NADPH-d和Fos表达的影响