VERB 推测;猜测;臆测 If you surmise that something is true, you guess it from the available evidence, although you do not know for certain.
There's so little to go on, we can only surmise what happened... 几乎毫无凭据,我们只能猜测发生了什么。
He surmised that he had discovered one of the illegal streets. 他推测自己已经发现了一条非法活动猖獗的街道。
N-VAR 猜想;推测;臆测 If you say that a particular conclusion is surmise, you mean that it is a guess based on the available evidence and you do not know for certain that it is true.
It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant's poem in mind when doing this painting... 认为博斯在画这幅画时脑子里想着布兰特的诗,这仅仅是猜测而已。
He surmised that he had discovered one of the illegal streets. 他推测自己已经发现了一条非法活动猖獗的街道。
The information technology industry's evolution to SaaS is underway and as you might have surmised, it's already starting to cause some major changes in its landscape. 信息技术产业正在向SaaS演变,正如您所臆测的一样,该领域已经开始出现一些显著的变化。
They surmised that instant messaging provided an excellent application to test whether a program could enable wait-learning for language vocabulary. 他们推测即时通信提供了一个很好的应用,可以测试一个程序是否能够允许边等边学词汇。
The lust question, Turing surmised, was the key one. 图林猜测,这最后一个问题大概是关键问题。
And as you surmised in deeper mind, but did not fully recognize is that by facing that ultimate fear, you changed the past, present and future. 你会用心智去理解,但却没有真正意识到,正是通过面对极度的恐惧,你改变了过去、现在和未来。
He wore a full bodysuit for the first time this season, and Phelps surmised that he'll wear the same gear in Indianapolis. 这个赛季他第一次穿了件全身式的泳衣,他觉得他会在印第安纳波利斯的比赛中还穿同一款式的衣服。
Does this simply imply, as many have surmised, that women are better at following Cicero's advice to "resist appearance"? 这是否就如很多人推测的那样,女人比男人能更好地听取西塞罗的忠告“不受外表的影响”呢?
I had surmised back then that the complaints would subside as familiarity with the test grows. 我认为随着人们逐步对该测试体系的认识,相关的抱怨也会逐渐减少。
We surmised that he must have had an accident. 我们猜想他一定出事了。
We may have already surmised that the Gulf sheikhdoms see Iran as a bigger threat than Israel. 我们可能早已猜到,海湾地区各酋长国把伊朗视为比以色列更大的威胁。
Scatter [ sow] broadcast The helicopters, some American officials later surmised, were used to spray poison gas on the Kurds. 用撒播法(播)种(种子)一些美国官员后来猜测,那些直升机被用来向库尔德人播撒毒气。
MacArthur surmised that competition equations should be considered as first elements of a Taylor series. 麦克阿瑟推测,竟争方程应被看作为泰勒级数的首要元素。
The substance of undisclosed talks between Tokyo and Washington can be surmised from disruptions to my recent phone calls to a Japanese journalist colleague. 东京与华盛顿的秘密对话的内容,可以从我最近与日本同行的电话中断来看出端倪。
In a depressing note of austerity, Mr Sutherland surmised that shoppers were abandoning restaurants and staying home on the sofa. 萨瑟兰以一种沮丧的严肃口吻猜测道,购物者开始放弃酒店,选择待在家里的沙发上。
That electrically charged particles reside within atoms had been surmised since the time of Faraday. 从法拉第的时代起,人们就已推测到,在原子内存在着带电的粒子。
As we surmised, Duncan had not been telling the truth. 正像我们猜测的,邓肯没有讲真话。
"And you don't like him," Edward surmised, his tone still kind. “但是,你不喜欢她的新丈夫。”爱德华推测着,声音依然很亲切。
Many commentators have surmised that as countries such as China become richer and develop a consumer culture, their savings surpluses will diminish. 许多评论人士猜测,随着中国等国家变得更加富裕,并培养出一种消费文化,它们的储蓄盈余会收窄。
Ere long I heard the click of the latch, and Catherine flew upstairs, breathless and wild; too excited to show gladness: indeed, by her face, you would rather have surmised an awful calamity. 没有多久,我听见门闩响,凯瑟琳飞奔上楼,上气不接下气,心慌意乱,兴奋得不知该怎么表现她的欢喜了:的确,只消看她的脸,你反而要猜疑将有什么大难临头似的。
During math discussions on sci. astro, it has been surmised that the speed of Planet X approaches the speed of light during its most rapid approach, and this astonishes those in the discussion. 在科学-天文的数学讨论中,根据推测X星的速度最快接近光速,而这使那些参与讨论的人惊讶不已。
The judge surmised his guilt; there was no proof that he killed the man. 法官猜度他的罪行;没有证据显示他杀了那个人。
From his letter I surmised that he was unhappy. 从他的信上看,我估计他并不快乐。
Augustine surmised this was because ( 1) no one had the slightest clue as to how much a power plant should cost, but ( 2) everyone had an idea of how much a tool shed should cost. Augustine推测,出现这种现象的原因在于:(1)没有人知道发电厂到底要花多少钱,(2)而每个人都会对一个工具棚的花费指手画脚一番。
He surmised that her flight was delayed. 他推测她的航班延误了。
He surmised that this was the true situation. 他推测这就是真正的情势。
In fact, that Wall was probably from the Tang Dynasty, Will later surmised. 事实上,Will后来猜测那幅城墙有可能是唐代的。
From what he said I surmised that she was not very well. 从他所说的,我猜想她的身体不太好。
The reviewers surmised that other outside factors might have a bigger role ininfluencing participants'eating habits. Edward解释道,其他因素可能在影响受试者饮食习惯方面具有更重要的作用。
Nim surmised that their marriage was barely adequate. 尼姆推测,他们的婚姻至多是凑合事儿。
Einstein never considered coherence, surmised Townes, now at the University of California at Berkeley. 现在在加州大学柏克莱分校的汤斯推测,爱因斯坦「从没考虑过同调性」。