Still, if the ticket price is right and there's money to be made, these problems may be surmountable. 当然,如果票价合理且有钱可赚,这些问题也许能够解决。
These difficulties will not be easily surmountable. 要克服这些困难并不容易。
She guessed bertha's present difficulty, and it seemed easily surmountable. 她猜出了伯莎目前的为难之处;而这看来很容易克服。
This means that the model can predict the surmountable obstacle height of an off-road vehicle and its-key influencing parameters can be obtained. 表明该模型能预测车辆越障高度,具有工程应用价值,且获得影响其性能的主要参数。
Situations of measurable and surmountable danger. 危险是可预测的并且是可以克服的。
But they are surmountable. 但它们都是可以克服的。
Anti-trust objections to delta/ JAL co-operation may be surmountable. 针对达美/日航合作的反垄断异议或许是可以克服的。
Those barriers that do exist are mostly surmountable. Is that an insurmountaBle oBstacle? 确实存在的障碍大多是可以克服的。那是一个不可克服的障碍吗?
Migraine and ischaemic stroke They are associated, but risks are low and surmountable 偏头痛与缺血性脑卒中有相关性,但风险低且可以控制
Architectural environment faces the surmountable period. 建筑环境面临的时代超越。
The characteristic of the life include non-specialization, uniqueness, comprehensiveness and surmountable possibility. 生命的特征包括未特定性、独特性、完整性和超越性。
In order to actualize the pursuable, surmountable and sustainable development, Zhejiang Province must carry out the strategic readjustment of the economic structure, and the most important content is to select the leading manufacturing industries as well as to develop them rapidly by cultivating them. 浙江省要实行经济结构的战略性调整,其中一个重要内容就是进行制造业主导产业的选择及培育,扶持其发展壮大。