His last book is a bold, at times surrealistic mixture of fact and fancy. 他的最后一部书把现实与梦幻大胆糅合在一起,有些地方表现出超现实主义色彩。
It starts with a white backdrop behind which a row of dancers in silhouette are shown as office workers typing away, before taking a surrealistic turn as our hero starts to dream. 开场时,一排舞者的剪影投射在了身前的一块白色幕布之上,模仿办公室职员在打字,此后,剧情出现了一个超现实主义的转变,主人公开始做梦了。
These all sound like surrealistic, dreamy scenes from fiction. 这些听上去像是小说中超现实主义的梦幻之境。
This isn't the first time a chance angle has made a news photograph look surrealistic. 因为角度问题让奥巴马的影像变得超现实主义,这已经不是第一次了。
The whole scene was getting more and more surrealistic. 整个场面变得愈来愈稀奇古怪。
My professor possessed a surrealistic canvas by Dali. 我的教授拥有一幅达利的超现实主义油画。
Our focus on the child is further highlighted by Zhang's surrealistic yellow flesh tone. 我们放在孩子身上的注意力进一步受到他那超现实的黄色肌肤所深化。
Distant from a social realism rooted in the Chinese academic training, Zhou Wenzhong dedicates himself to scenes crammed with surrealistic nature compatible with his new daily life. 他摈弃了以学院式训练为基础的社会现实主义,迷恋于与其日常生活相协调的充满超现实主义气息的场景。
This surrealistic fable is based on the Adam and Eve story. 这一超现实寓言改编自亚当和夏娃的故事。
The surrealistic adventure game that will enthrall games of all ages with its moody atmosphere, you'll encounter engaging narrative and a cast of colorful characters. 超现实主义的冒险游戏,玩家将服从所有年龄与穆迪的气氛中,您会遇到从事叙事和演员的彩色字符。
The desert landscape is surrealistic, with its strange-shaped rocks and unusual colours. 沙漠的景观似乎是超现实的,到处是奇形怪状的岩石和奇异色彩。
The author relocates his home to outdoor green space in a unique way to transform it to a surrealistic world. 艺术家把自己的家居空间移植到了户外绿地,并别出心裁地把它转换为超现实的世界。
That's the rub for Takeda Pharmaceutical, maker of Rozerem, a sleeping pill best known for its surrealistic ads featuring Abe Lincoln, a talking beaver and a deep-sea diver ( pictured, left). Rozerem对于Takeda制药的制造者很难,作为最出名的安眠药是因为它的超现实的广告特征,亚伯林肯与河狸和深海潜水员谈话(图左)。
Influenced by Western Surrealistic poetics, Taiwan's Epoch Poetry Club probe into the world of subconsciousness and dreams. 受西方超现实主义诗学影响,台湾创世纪诗社对潜意识与梦的世界进行了深度的探索。
This is day dream-like surrealistic section. 这是一段白日梦似的超现实主义段落。
Her wild and peculiar imagination created a charming surrealistic space for children. 她以狂放奇绝的幻想之笔为儿童创造了一个迷人的超现实空间;
The two books also make use of the surrealistic power of the fox spirits and the nether world to present the ideal characters and life in which kind people deserve a good result and evil people deserve a punishment. 二者还充分利用花妖狐魅和幽冥世界所提供的超现实力量,突出地表现了作者理想的人物和生活境界,并给好人以美好的结果,给恶人以应得的惩罚。
American dream is not a surrealistic dream but a dream closely associated with American history development, life style and national spirit. Different writers have different comprehension and description in this issue. 美国梦不是一个超现实的梦想,而是一个与美国历史、生活方式、发展和国民精神紧密联系的梦想。
Surrealistic approach was widely used in the creation of the Chu art forms, this proves that the Chinese had already established their unique system of visual aesthetics long before the establishment of the western visual aesthetic system. 楚文化艺术形态创造中体现的超现实主义手法,表明在现代西方视觉艺术体系建立之前很久,中国人就已经建构了自己独有的视觉审美体系。
The description of the early Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture is embodied as the view of the surrealistic narrative spatiotemporal. 东汉三国汉译佛经对时空的描述体现为超现实的叙事时空观。
At present, embodiment of humanization of interior design mostly is realized in three ways: returning to nature, local complex and surrealistic feeling. 目前,室内设计的人性化主要体现在返璞归真、地方情结和超现实情感三个方面。
Also presented is surrealistic painter and art forms, such as early printing software for the technology developed views. 同时也提出了是超现实主义画家、印象派画家和早期的印刷术等艺术形式促进了科技软件形成的看法。
A change from surrealistic legends to realistic works. 由超现实的传奇故事向写实性的天然图画发展。
Surrealistic film occurred in France in 1920s. 1920年代,法国兴起了超现实主义电影。
As a painter, he was deeply impressed by symbolism and painted lots of surrealistic masterpieces, which brought deep intension and profound philosophical meaning. 作为一位画家,纪伯伦深受象征主义画派的影响,他画出了许多超现实的画,赋予了画面以深沉的内涵和深刻的哲学意蕴。
Chapter Two first interprets the term of Surrealism and then displays the Surrealistic features in the novel form the scopes of scene, plot and characterization. 第二章阐述了超现实主义这一概念,然后从小说场景、情节与人物塑造上挖掘小说中体现的超现实主义因素,以及这部小说的现实主义意义。
The faith object is surrealistic, the value goal of belief is out of material gain, the expression of faith is non-logical, the faith process is of clear purpose, the orientation of the value of faith is definite. 它具有信仰对象的超现实性、信仰价值目标的超功利性、信仰表达的非逻辑性、信仰过程的鲜明目的性、信仰价值指向的专一性等特征。
Through a variety of rendering techniques and means to achieve, the real-time simulation of light and shadow technology in virtual roaming creates a flowing, colorful, real-time motive and surrealistic lighting environment. 虚拟漫游中光影实时模拟技术通过各种渲染技术和实现手段,创造出具有流动性、色彩丰富的、实时运动的、超现实的光影环境。
Having created his own unique style in the contemporary American poetry by the use of simple and succinct style and eccentric Surrealistic image, Mark Strand is a Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and the fourth Poet of Laureate in the United States. 美国第四位桂冠诗人,普利策诗歌奖得主马克·斯特兰德以简洁单纯的文体及超现实主义的古怪意象在当代美国诗坛独树一帜。
Imagine a similar surrealistic paintings of oil paintings, oil painting language of an emphasis on the main inner feelings and subjective imagination. 想象性油画类似超现实主义绘画,是一种强调主体内心情感与主观想象的油画语系。