VERB 投降;屈服 If you surrender, you stop fighting or resisting someone and agree that you have been beaten.
General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender... 马丁·邦尼特将军呼吁反叛者投降。
She surrendered to the police in London last December. 她去年 12 月在伦敦向警方自首。
Surrender is also a noun.
...the government's apparent surrender to demands made by the religious militants. 政府对宗教激进分子所提要求的明显妥协
VERB (被迫)放弃,交出 If you surrender something you would rather keep, you give it up or let someone else have it, for example after a struggle.
Nadja had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property... 纳佳不得不填表放弃其全部财产所有权。
Gen. Morgan's troops yesterday surrendered their heavy weapons to Belgian and US troops. 昨天,摩根将军的部队被迫向比利时和美国军队交出了他们的重型武器。
Surrender is also a noun.
...the sixteen-day deadline for the surrender of weapons and ammunition. 上缴武器和弹药的16天期限
VERB 交出,出示(票证、护照等) If you surrender something such as a ticket or your passport, you give it to someone in authority when they ask you to.
They have been ordered to surrender their passports. 他们被要求出示护照。
N-UNCOUNT 屈服;屈从 You use surrender to refer to someone's attitude or behaviour when they lose the will to resist their feelings or the demands of other people.
...the need for total personal surrender to and dependence on Jesus... 需要完全顺从并依靠耶稣
Depression is a partial surrender to death... 沮丧是对死亡的一定妥协。
A look of disbelief came into his eyes, but was quickly replaced by one of dismal surrender. 他眼里闪现出一丝怀疑,但又马上代之以可怜无助的依从。
Everybody eventually surrenders to something or someone. 每个人最终都要降服于某人或某事。
1419 – Hundred Years'War: Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy. 1419年的今天,百年战争:鲁昂投降,亨利五世再次征服诺曼底。
You don't want to be a person who surrenders his beliefs at the slightest whiff of opposition. 你肯定不想做一个听到些许反对的声音就放弃自己观点的人。
Or, IW can be used to change beliefs and perceptions of an enemy. Witness the mass surrenders of Iraqi troops during the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War. 或者,信息战还可用以改变敌人的信念和看法,波斯湾战争期间伊拉克军队的大规模投降就是例证。
It is by Ego, the most rigid critic of food, who, in the end, thoroughly surrenders his pride to Remi's cooking. 这段独白是艾戈说的,一个最最挑剔的美食评论家。不过最后,艾戈的所有骄傲还是彻底地拜倒在了小米的厨艺门下。
1940-World War II: Belgium surrenders to Germany. 1940年的今天,二战中的比利时向德国投降。
Because of many factors that neither political bloc was good at calling on enemy to surrender, nor at appeasing those surrenders, they were high up in the pictures barely. 由于各政治集团要么不善招降,要么对降者安抚不力等因素,结果它们的招降活动收效甚微。
Now, the regime will no longer accept even if the KIO surrenders weapons, the sources added. 现在,即使克钦独立组织投降,军政府将不再接受,消息人士补充说。
With such force that someone guiltily surrenders it, I doubt you have the inspiration and/ or intestinal fortitude necessary to progress in the business world. 并让那个小偷交出赃物的话,我怀疑你是否具备在商界谋求发展所必需的脑筋以及(或是)内在的坚韧。
Are we to be shown the prospect of implausible surrenders of national accountability in pursuit of a destiny that remains obscure and undefined? 难道呈现在我们面前的是这样一种前景:为了追求一种依然模糊不清、性质不明的最终目标,我们必须难以置信地放弃本国的国家问责制?
A person who surrenders to ( or is taken by) the enemy in time of war. 在战争期间投降敌人(或被捕)的人。
If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or the whole of the Permit, the notice he sends to the Director shall also be displayed at the same locations as the original Permit. 如果许可证持有人交回许可证的部分或全部,其送交署长的通知书,亦须在展示原有许可证的相同地点展列。
At under make to the utmost the method make them unanimously be partly to a north dynasty, if childe doesn't stuff this warfare immediately take away, greatly don't this surrenders a book. 在下使尽手段才让他们一致偏向北朝,公子若无所谓这战事就此拖下去,大可不要这投诚书。
British colonial officials headed by Governor Mark Aitchison Young of Hong Kong surrenders to the Japanese. 在英国殖民者港督杨慕琦爵士率领下的长官们向日本投降。
Or are the shocks of an entirely different order a harbinger of accelerating decline as the West surrenders two centuries of global hegemony? 还是属于一种完全不同量级的冲击在西方交出把持两个世纪的全球霸权之际,预示着西方的加速衰落?
The group comprises allies such as Qatar, and rebels such as Venezuela, which expresses disdain for American imperialism even as it surrenders its monetary sovereignty to America's central bank. 这些国家有美国的同盟国,如卡塔尔,也有敌对国如委内瑞拉。尽管委内瑞拉不屑于美国帝国主义,它还是把国家的金融主权交到了美国中央银行的手中。
In exchanging his product, the producer surrenders it; 生产者在交换的时候交出自己的产品;
I know we are bound to the earth, and the cracked heart, old Terra cotta, surrenders to vine. 我们注定要归于尘土那颗破碎的心,一个古老的陶罐藤蔓丛生。
But whoever goes out and surrenders to the Babylonians who are besieging you will live; he will escape with his life. 但出去归降围困你们迦勒底人的必得存活,要以自己的命为掠物。
The government will outlaw the rebels unless they surrenders immediately. 除非反叛分子立即投降,否则政府将宣布他们为不法之徒。
That committee recommended opening talks with Boko Haram, but only after it renounces all forms of violence and surrenders its arms. 这个委员会建议和博科圣地开启对话谈判,但是前提条件是博科圣地要放弃一切形式的暴力并交出他们的武器。
1940-World War II: Norway Surrenders to German forces. 1940年的今天,二战期间,挪威向德国军投降。
According to the theories of criminal legislation and building surrender system, the surrender in China's criminal law can be divided into three kinds: common surrender, para-surrender and special surrender. This paper dissects the conditions and cognizance measures of the three surrenders. 根据刑事立法以及自首制度建构理论,可以将我国刑法规定的自首分为一般自首、准自首和特殊自首,在此基础上剖析三类自首成立的条件以及认定方法。
Finally, analyzed in a specific way the unit commit crime of surrender to justice with the unit recidivist, affirmative the unit surrenders to justice to establish with the recidivist, recidivist's system that commit crime faultily to the unit put forward own standpoint. 最后,具体分析了单位犯罪的自首和单位累犯,肯定了单位自首和累犯成立,对单位过失犯罪的累犯制度提出了自己的观点。
The first part is the introduction of punishment regulations to voluntary surrenders in the active Digest of Criminal Law; 首先介绍了现行刑法典对自首犯的处罚规定;
Voluntarily surrenders self the system legislation perfect. 第四部分,自首制度的立法完善。
Surrender two conditions truthfully behavors surrenders, automatic, this paper constitutes the subject. 自首两个条件自动投案、如实供述构成该论文的主体。