Biological diversity the incredible variety of life on Earth that sustains us is in rapid decline. 生物多样性我们赖以为生的地球上难以置信的大量物种正在迅速减少。
These bovine represent motherhood, and their milk sustains and nourishes them. 这些牛代表母亲,牛奶能养活并滋养他们。
It is essential for the eurozone and the world that it sustains a healthy level of demand. 将需求维持在健康水平,这对欧元区和全世界都非常重要。
This novel sustains the reader's interest to the end. 这部小说使读者到最后都依然兴趣浓厚。
Innovation sustains the growth of the hi-tech development zone, which has been proved by the rapid growth of the Taiyuan Hi-tech Development Zone. 创新是高新技术开发区发展的灵魂与根本,太原高新技术开发区的发展与实践深刻证明了这一点。
But what sustains you are the characters. 真正能撑起来的就是人物了。
You must see that it sustains no damage; 你务必使它完好无损;
That credit sustains him as breath animates the body; 信用于他来说,正如呼吸对于他的身体一样。
It's the gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets that sustains the planets in elliptical orbits around the sun. 那是太阳和行星之间的万有引力。维持着众行星围绕在太阳四周的椭圆轨道上。
The occipital chakra also sustains the chi of the entire field in balance. 枕骨脉轮也维系着整个能量场气的平衡。
It sustains the world system on the lower planes. 它维持着世界体系的较低层面。
Most people do not understand basic scientific facts about happiness, about what creates and sustains it, and they consequently do not spend money in ways that optimize their happiness. 大多数人并不理解有关幸福的基本的科学事实以什么创造和维持人们因此并不花金钱在能优化幸福的方式上。
Cooperative grace – sustains us in the practice of obedience. 与神合作的恩典–在我们里面维持顺服神的实践。
The framework of mutual respect sustains our cultural cooperation today. 互相尊重的精神是我们今天文化合作的基础。
What is the cause of the serious breakage the goods sustains? 该货遭受严重破损的原因是什么?
That turmoil is sent to them, and it sustains them in some way. 是混乱传送给他们的装置,而在某种程度上混乱支撑着他们。
The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. 4主耶和华赐我受教者的舌头,使我知道怎样用言语扶助疲乏的人。
The sea wall sustains the shock of the waves. 海堤能抵挡海浪的冲击。
Water is an unique resource which always sustains life of all kind on our planet. 水是在这个地球上维持各种生命的一种独有的资源。
The nurse sustains a cooperative relationship with co-workers in nursing and other fields. 护士在护理及其它方面,跟合作者保持合作共事关系。
The person beside you sustains you. 总希望你身边那个人会支持你。
When acting as a connotation character, it compares with the dramatis personae and sustains each other. 当“我”以内涵人物出现时,“我”和主人公参差对照,重叠互映,各得生命;
The Institute is an industry association that promotes and sustains the recycling of all steel products. 北美钢铁再循环协会是一个行业协会,以促进和维持回收所有钢铁产品。
When a person sustains a virologic response after completing treatment, this suggests that HCV infection has been cured. 当受试者完成治疗后病毒学应答仍在持续,说明丙型肝炎病毒感染已获治愈。
What sustains my mind? My quest for knowledge. 对知识的渴望让我保持智慧!
But when DNA sustains too much damage, it cannot replicate properly. 但是当DNA遭受太大损伤时,它不能正确的复制。
They are crowding it in, instead, by supporting demand, which sustains jobs and profits. 相反,通过支撑需求,私人部门正在不断涌入,维持了就业和利润。
Innovation Sustains the progress of a nation. 创新是一个民族的灵魂。
So thought not only sustains pleasure. 所以说,思想不只是维持快乐。
A small hope sustains a person for a day, a great hope one for a lifetime. 小盼头支撑人的一天,大盼头支撑人的一生。