Mr Sutherland may have the clout needed to push the two trading giants into a deal 萨瑟兰先生也许有能力促使两大贸易巨头达成协议。
Many Agile experts have written and spoken on TCO; Scott Ambler ( Practice Leader Agile Development, IBM) and Jeff Sutherland ( co-creator of Scrum) are two notable industry experts. 多位敏捷专家关于TCO的书面和口头研究;ScottAmbler(IBM实践领导者敏捷开发)和JeffSutherland(Scrum的共同创建者)是两位著名的行业专家。
Kiefer Sutherland will reprise his Emmy Award winning role as CTU Agent Jack Bauer. 基弗萨瑟兰将重新演绎让他获得艾美奖的角色CTU探员杰克鲍尔。
The show has received 68 Emmy nominations, winning for outstanding drama series and for Sutherland as lead drama actor in 2006. 该剧集已经获得了68项艾美奖提名,并在06年赢得了最佳剧情片和最佳男主角两项桂冠。
Also starring in the dramedy are Donald Sutherland, William Baldwin, and Natalie Zea. 这部剧的演员还包括唐纳德·萨瑟兰,威廉·鲍德温和娜塔莉·基。
Actor Keifer Sutherland has already filmed a public service announcement in the United States extolling the virtues of a green lifestyle. 演员基弗•萨瑟兰已经在美国拍摄了一段公共服务宣言,宣传绿色生活方式的优点。
Mr Sutherland took some time to adapt to corporate life, though former colleagues say he was invaluable in opening doors in European governments and in Brussels. 尽管他的前同事表示,萨瑟兰为促使欧洲各国政府及欧盟“开放门户”作出了难于估量的贡献,但他还是用了一段时间才适应企业生活。
Ten minutes later Sutherland grabbed a microphone. 十分钟后,萨瑟兰抓住扩音机话筒。
I refer you to a paper by Sutherland published recently. 我建议你查阅萨瑟兰最近发表的一篇论文。
Born in Dublin in 1946, Mr Sutherland was educated at a Jesuit school and then at University College Dublin, where he captained the rugby team. 萨瑟兰1946年出生于都柏林,先在一家教会学校上学,后来就读于都柏林大学学院(universitycollegedublin),并在大学里担任橄榄球队队长。
People who have worked with Mr Sutherland say his style can be traced back to his days as a young barrister in Dublin. 与萨瑟兰共事过的人都说,他的作风可以追溯到年轻时代在都柏林当律师的那些日子。
Or my days at Sutherland High School performing in musicals each night for packed houses of700. 而在Sutherland的高中时代,音乐剧每晚的演出即使是爆满,也只够塞进700人。
Mr Sutherland, who is also a former European competition commissioner, says: I would be worried that governments pushed by vested interests seek to bend the rules in terms of state aid. 萨瑟兰还曾担任欧洲竞争事务专员,他表示:我担心政府受既得利益驱使,试图在国家援助的问题上变通规则。
Justice George Sutherland, speaking for the majority, dismissed this argument as irrelevant. 乔治·萨瑟兰法官代表多数派发言,把这种论点作为枝节问题不予考虑。
Upon hearing that he was played by Kiefer Sutherland, Jack Bauer killed Sutherland. 听说自己由基佛·萨瑟兰扮演,JACK杀了他。
He replaces Peter Sutherland, chairman since 1997, who has led BP during a period of spectacular growth through ambitious acquisitions, but a series of problems, particularly in the US. 他的前任彼得萨瑟兰(petersutherland)于1997年上任,凭借野心勃勃的并购活动,率领bp走过了一段迅猛增长期,但其间也遭遇了一系列问题,尤其是在美国。
Mr Sutherland had won again. 萨瑟兰又赢了。
Mr Sutherland would be the first to admit he did not do it alone. 萨瑟兰可能会第一个站出来承认,这并非他以个人之力所能做到。
Mr Sutherland turned 60 earlier this year but is showing few signs of slowing down. 萨瑟兰今年年初就60岁了,但几乎未显老态。
Domestic politics would also thwart his ambitions years later when, in spite of some international support, the Irish government declined to put Mr Sutherland forward as a candidate for president of the European Commission. 数年后,国内政坛同样阻挠了他的政治抱负尽管萨瑟兰获得了一些国际支持,但爱尔兰政府拒绝推举他为欧盟委员会主席候选人。
Sutherland says she improved her marriage by taking the lessons from animal trainers and applying them to her husband. 萨瑟兰说,通过从动物训练者那里取经并把经验运用于自己丈夫身上,她的婚姻得到了改善。
Mr Sutherland said the next few years would show whether EU leaders could match their rhetoric with action. 萨瑟兰表示,未来几年,事实将验证欧盟领导人能否做到言行一致。
General W.R.Monger ( Kiefer Sutherland) herded the lot of misfits into X-file confinement. 蒙格将军(基弗萨瑟兰配音)赶了很多怪胎到X档案禁闭。
Mr. P.D. Sutherland in his personal capacity is appointed Chairman of the Committee. 任命P.D.萨瑟兰先生以个人身份担任委员会主席。
There was another big event we held," Innovation Sprint", in which we invited Jeff Sutherland and Ikujiro Nonaka as the two keynote speakers. 我们还举办另一个大型活动“创新Sprint”,我们曾邀请了JeffSutherland和野中郁次郎作为两个主题演讲嘉宾。
SCBP events from star-gazing and tours to public talks and festivals build a dialogue with the local community in Sutherland. SCBP的活动从观星和旅游到公共演讲和节日让萨瑟兰的当地社区参与了对话。
The show's hero Jack Bauer ( played by Kiefer Sutherland) is a counter-terrorist agent who has saved the country from numerous disasters. 这部电视剧的男主人公杰克•鲍尔(JackBauer)(由基夫•萨瑟兰(KieferSutherland)饰演)是一名反恐特工,他挽救国家于无数次灾难之中。
Jeff Sutherland however suggested that in many situations overlapping sprints might be a reality. JeffSutherland却建议:在很多情况下,交错的sprint可能更符合现实状况。
Contemporary World-renowned Coloratura Soprano& Joan Sutherland 当代世界著名花腔女高音&琼·萨瑟兰
The firm has Jeff Sutherland on staff serving as a Senior Adviser. JeffSutherland作为高级顾问,是该公司的职员。