There are many scriptures in the Sutra depository. 藏经楼里收藏着很多重要的经卷。
Forget about Kama Sutra, missionary style is all you can expect. 忘掉《爱经》吧,有传教士式就不错了。
In the Buddhist Sutra it states: To commit killing will result in sickness and untimely deaths. 佛经上说:杀生会遭遇到多病和短命的果报。
I shall now expound to you all the virtues of this sutra and all that is practiced by innumerable boundless Buddhas ( 14). 我现在向你阐述这一经典所有的美德而且有无量的佛实践了它。
When we got there, there was already a crowd listening to a sutra. 当我们到那里时,已经有一群人在那里听经了。
And this sutra says very simply, in such be transformed. 经典说的很简单:如此便蜕变了。
All the scholars who have dealt with the Pali version of the Sutra are emphatic about its importance. 所有研究巴利文佛经的学者都强调了它的重要性。
For that reason, you should all deeply believe in the Shurangama Sutra and Shurangama mantra. 各位由这一点,应该深信这个《楞严经》和〈楞严咒〉。
Subhuti, all Buddhas and their Supreme-Enlightenment-Dharma originate from this sutra. 须菩提!一切诸佛,及诸佛阿耨多罗三藐三菩提法,皆从此经出。
Vocabulary is not the only problem in Buddhist sutra exegesis. 佛经文献训诂中并不仅有词义训释的问题。
The sutra on discipline unearthed in Kucha region agrees with the rigorous discipline in ancient times here. 龟兹地区出土的有关戒律方面的经典,这与古代龟兹地区一向戒律严谨是相一致的。
When we think of The Kama Sutra we have to try and understand the reasoning behind it. 当我们想到的卡马经我们要尝试和了解背后的理据。
Wheresoever this sutra may be found the Buddha and His respected disciples will be there also. 若是经典所在之处,则为有佛,若尊重弟子。
Later he found out that there is actually such a Buddha's name in a Sutra. 之后他真的在经典中找到这个佛名。
As the main method of expressing the Buddhism, Metaphor embodies the thought and literature in Lotus Sutra. 譬喻是《法华经》的主要表法方式,是佛学义理和文学性高度结合的体现。
Mahayana Nirvana sutra find out about Nirvana. 大乘涅磐佛经发现了涅磐。
In the Lotus Sutra it is taught by the Buddha that everyone has the buddhata, Buddha-nature within, and you are a buddha. 在《法华经》中,佛陀教导我们,每一个人都具足佛性,每一个人都是佛。
The Lotus Sutra indicates the expedient means of Buddha and Bodhisattva. 《妙法莲华经》是诸佛的果地,是佛菩萨倒驾慈航的方便。
From his poem and essays, we could see that he was quite familiar with Leng Yan Sutra. 从其诗文可以看出黄庭坚对《楞严经》相当了解和熟悉。
The same with this sutra. 这与佛经不是相同的。
In the Mahaparinibbana Sutra there are references to some Buddhist philosophical concepts. 在大般若涅磐经中引用了一些佛教哲学的概念。
Jack Kerouac wrote this in response to Gary Snyder's suggestion that he write his first Sutra. 杰克•克鲁亚克写了这个作为对加里•斯奈德建议他写下第一本经书的回应。
The book in which printing first appeared was called the Diamond Sutra. 第一本被印刷的书叫做《金刚经》。
We cannot even interpret literally on the text of a poem, let alone the sutra. 不要说经典不能依文解义,就是世间人的一首诗你也不能依文解义。
Now I start each day by reading from a Buddhist Scripture called Aparimitayur sutra. 现在,我以阅读佛经《无量寿经》开始一天的生活。
India-Panini's Sutra, the earliest Sanskrit grammer, is written. 印度&帕尼尼手稿,最早的梵语语法写成了。
But his works maybe called sutra! 但他的著作每一本都堪称经典!
Since I have acquired the wisdom eye, I have not heard of such a sutra. 我从昔来所得慧眼,未曾得闻如是之经。
According to the Buddhist sutra, Buddha was born under an Ashoka tree. 据佛经记载,佛母就在无忧树下产下佛祖。
The Buddhist monk walked to the sutra depository leisurely and opened the shutter. People prayed downstairs. 禅师从容地登上了藏经阁,打开百叶窗。楼下,人们静静地为他祈祷。