He was a constable at Sutton police station. 他是萨顿警察局的警员。
Robert Sutton, Professor of management science and engineering, Stanford University 斯坦福大学管理科学与工程教授罗伯特•萨顿
In corporate cultures, that hesitation can translate into what professors Bob Sutton and Jeffrey Pfeffer call the "Knowing-Doing gap:" the space between what we know we should do and what we actually do. 鲍勃•萨顿和杰弗里•普费弗教授将企业文化中的这种犹豫称为“知行差距”,也就是我们知道自己应该做的事与我们实际做的事两者间的差距。
Laura Barbour of the Sutton Trust, a social mobility charity which funded the research, said buggy manufacturers should look closely at the findings. 为该研究提供资金支持的萨顿信托教育慈善基金会的劳拉·巴伯尔称,童车生产商应密切关注这一研究结果。
Mr. Sutton, a former Royal Gurkha Rifles officer for the British Army, died after jumping from a helicopter and crashing into a mountain ridge only minutes from the French border near Trient, Switzerland, the Swiss police said. 萨顿先生曾是英国陆军皇家廓尔喀步枪军官,据瑞士警方消息,他从直升机跳下后撞到了山脊意外死亡,事故地点离瑞士特里安附近的法国边界只有几分钟路程。
Mark Sutton, the stuntman who parachuted into the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics in London dressed as James Bond alongside a double of Queen Elizabeth II, was killed on Wednesday in a wing-diving accident in the Swiss Alps. 42岁的特技演员马克萨顿本周三在瑞士阿尔卑斯山进行滑翔衣跳伞时不幸遇难身亡。他曾在2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式上扮作詹姆斯邦德,同伊丽莎白二世女王的替身共同跳伞入场。
To our awesome Lying Game fans, thank you for these two amazing seasons, wrote the actress-who played the dual role of twins Sutton Mercer and Emma Becker. 致我们最棒的《谎言游戏》粉丝们:谢谢你们两季来的支持。这位女演员说。Alexandra在剧中同时饰演双胞胎姐妹SuttonMercer和EmmaBecker。
Last summer, Mark Sutton, the man famous for parachuting into the London 2012 Olympics as James Bond died in Switzerland after crashing into the cliff. 去年夏天,以在2012年奥运会扮演詹姆斯邦德表演特技跳伞著称的马克萨顿在瑞士跌入悬崖致死。
Mark Sutton, a former soldier, jumped as 007. 前士兵马克-萨顿扮演007,也从高空一跃而下。
I'm deeply saddened to hear that Stephen Sutton has died. 卡梅伦在推特网上说:我听到斯蒂芬·萨顿离世的消息万分悲痛。
When her son gave her only a superficial explanation, Ms. Sutton says, the mother told him, 'You didn't meet the terms of our agreement. 萨顿说,当这个儿子只给出了流于表面的解释时,他妈妈回应道,你没有履行我们的协议。
Users should treat this seriously, Mr. Sutton said. 苏顿说,用户应该严肃对待这个问题。
The Sutton Trust says its analysis of the research suggests that about 40% of children in the UK lack a secure attachment with their parents. 萨顿信托基金会的研究表明,英国大约有40%的孩子无法无法从父母处获得安全感。
In May, rangers from nearby Sutton Park helped her first to reach water safely. 五月的时候,萨顿公园附近的骑警就帮过她一次了,协助它们安全到达水边。
Ms. Sutton told her to pick the toughest topic and offer to pay her son for writing a report on it and teaching it to her. 萨顿告诉这位家长,让她选出最难的问题,然后花钱雇儿子就此写一份报告并教会她。
But the report from the Sutton Trust education charity, entitled Baby Bonds, makes the case that it has an important impact on children's future educational chances as well as their emotional well-being. 但英国慈善教育机构萨顿信托基金会在题为《婴儿的情感纽带》报告中指出,亲子关系除了会影响孩子的心态以外,还会影响他们日后的学习生活。
Peter Sutton, head of research at the brokerage CLSA, predicts the money-laundering case will overshadow the Taiwan market and could rock Taiwan politics for years. 里昂证券(clsa)研究部主管苏廷翰(petersutton)预计,洗钱案将给台湾市场蒙上一层阴影,可能撼动台湾政坛多年。
Mike Sutton and Lisa Crispin have taken the lead in identifying some "awesome women" from Agile teams around the world. MikeSutton和LisaCrispin已经带头从全球敏捷团队中找到了一些“杰出女性”。
I believe that there is every reason that this offer will proceed, said Rod Sutton, executive director of Ferrier Hodgson, which was appointed in March. 我相信这次收购有充分的理由进行下去,富理诚执行董事沈仁诺(RodSutton)表示。富理诚在今年3月被指定为清盘机构。
Research by the Sutton Trust found that pupils from independent schools are remarkably over-represented in some professions. 萨顿信托(SuttonTrust)的研究发现,在某些职业的从业者中,私立学校的学生所占比例明显高于平均水平。
In the longer term, it will be natural for Chinese investors to want to have investments in Taiwan, said Peter Sutton, head of research at CLSA in Taipei. 在更长的时期内,中国大陆投资者会自然地想要在台湾进行投资,里昂证券(CLSA)驻台北的研究主管苏廷瀚(PeterSutton)表示。
English cabbie Mike Sutton found his new home had been underpinned-with 100 false legs. 英国计程车司机麦可?苏顿发现他的新房子下是用一百只假脚支撑。
The brand preferences in the report mirrors what is seen in the marketplace among adult smokers, Sutton said. 萨顿说,报告中的品牌偏好反映了市场中成年吸烟者中所看到情况。
Sutton and Hausmann have very different research strategies, but a shared question: if capabilities are the Lego bricks of economic growth, where do they come from and how can we make more? 萨顿和豪斯曼的研究策略虽有很大差异,但提出的问题却是相同的:如果能力是经济增长的乐高积木,那么它们从何而来、怎样才能得到更多?
Sutton, a management professor and co-director of the Center for Work, Technology and Organization at Stanford University in California. 他是加州史丹福大学的管理学教授兼「工作、科技和组织中心」共同主任。
Miss Sutton enjoyed everyminute ofit. 萨顿小姐享受每一分钟。
The soldiers that were billeted in private houses in sutton. 被安排住宿于萨顿民宅的士兵。
Sutton, S. ( 1998). Explaining and predicting intentions and behavior: How well are we doing? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28,1318 – 1339. 目的与行为的解释与预测:我们做得如何?应用社会心理学杂志,281318–1339。
Stacey Sutton: Wait a minute, this is James Stock of the London Financial times. 史黛西:等一下,这是伦敦金融时报的詹姆斯·斯托克。